Chapter 7

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Pippa's POV
Lin, Sebastian, and I get to the car and I go to load my stuff into the trunk as Lin says: "Don't worry, I can get it for you. Just give me a second to put Sebby in his car seat and I will be right there."
"Lin I can do it myself you know, you don't need to help."
"I am aware of that, but I want to," he says with a smile and a look that refrains me from answering. Of course Lin gets his way and puts my suitcase in the back as I go to sit in the passenger side of the car.
"Not used to London quite yet, eh??" He asks while chuckling. Only then do I realize the right side of the car is actually the drivers seat because of the swapper positions across the sea.
"Oops.." I whisper sheepishly as I walk to the other side of the car and internally punch myself for making a fool of myself in front of Lin. 'I'm not that stupid, I promise' I tell myself hoping he understands.
The ride to his place was relatively quiet and I don't know if that's a good thing or not. On one hand, it could be good to know he is comfortable in my presence, but on the other, it might be the opposite and all awkward in which he doesn't know what to say. He looks at me and puts his left hand on my right, interlocking our fingers as he does so.
"I'm so glad I ran into you."
"Literally or metaphorically?" I ask, causing us both to laugh.
"Hah, I guess both?? Well.. my jacket would disagree," Lin smiles. A little more small talk passes the time until we get to his apartment. We take out my stuff and Lin opens the door for the 3 of us. As soon as this happens, Sebastian runs in to get his favorite toys to show me, leaving his other belongings at the entrance to his home.
"Sebby get back here and please pick up your bag, you know where it is supposed to go," Lin says sternly. He is such a dad, and a good one at that for his son apologizes and does what needs to be done.
"Sorry about that," he says to me, "Sebby is a charmer but I won't deny the fact that he isn't the most responsible kid on the block." He says as he scratches the back of his neck and sighs.
"He's wonderful," I say and rest my head on his shoulder. After staying there for a few seconds he clears his throat and says: "Here, I'll lead you to the guest room." For some reason I feel disappointed that we won't be sleeping together.. 'get that out of your head now,' I think, 'that's just... ew.'
"Pippa are you okay?" I must have spaced out as those thoughts were going through my mind.
"Yeah, yeah, I just sort of--"
"Spaced out?"
"Mhm, sorry."
"Don't worry about it. So I'm really sorry but there are only 2 bathrooms and one of them is sorta Sebby's, but you could share the other with me. If you don't feel comfortable with that then he and I could share and you could take mine," he says awkwardly sorta looking at his feet, or the ground, whatever is more interesting.
"No it's fine if we share," I say smiling.
"Cool," he pauses, "lemme show you to it."
After getting everything set up and mostly  unpacked, Lin invites me to sit down with him in his living room and he soon offers me some water to drink.
"That would be lovely, thank you."

Lin's POV
I get up from where we are sitting and love to the kitchen. My apartment is really spacious, much more than I would have ever thought it would be. When you walk in the front door there is a little shoe rack and coat hanger that leads into an open living room + kitchen layout. To the left are 3 rooms that consist of my room, Sebby's room and a guest room that I was supposed to make into my office. Good thing I didn't because then Pippa wouldn't have any place to sleep. I mean, technically there would be places--she could have always sleep on the couch or with me or on the couch. I bring my mind back to the original thought. 'Lin, you don't even have an official relationship--it was 1 kiss' I decide to ask her about us later tonight after Sebby is asleep in bed. My mind slips back into present time and I realize what I am actually supposed to be doing--getting my crush a glass of water..
I grab the nicest cup I can to try and impress her and fill it with water and a little bit of ice.
"Thanks Lin, you're so kind to me," Pippa says with a smile on her face. She rubs my arm with her hand and I smile and sit next to her. How is she so gosh darn perfect. She is to my right and I see her sip her water from her mason jar (fancy right?) her hat is sitting next to her, her eyes sparkle as she looks out the window and her scarf wraps perfectly around her neck and falls to her stomach. Pippa catches me looking.
"Hey are you alright?"
"Yeah yeah. I'm fine, just thinking.."
"About what, us?"
"Yeah.. how'd you know?"
"Just a lucky guess. What's up?" At this, she puts her cup on the glass coffee table in front of us and turns to face me. Her  left elbow rests on the back of the couch and her whole torso points in my direction like she's expecting a long conversation. I turn so I am facing her as well.
"Well, I was going to bring it up later tonight but, here goes. You know I like you.. and I think there might be a chance you like me... but I'm not sure!" I add really fast, hoping she doesn't feel pressured. All Pippa can do is giggle and say: "yes, that would be correct. I like you."
"Um, I guess that's really it.. I sort of wanted to ask you where we are at, 'status' wise. I'm fine with waiting for a full fledged relationship for a while until you and Steven get things sorted out, by the way," I am definitely doing my best trying not to scare her away.
"No, it's fine," Pippa says as she leans in and hugs me. I respond by wrapping my arms around her and resting my head on her shoulder. "I sorta wanna wait, but I'm fine with telling the cast that we might become a thing someday."
"Pippa the guys already know that I've had a crush on you. I told them months ago," I blurt out, "jasmine and Renee do too."
"I knew jasmine and renee knew, they told me earlier today before I called you. Well, when I was debating calling you."
"Why would you not call me?? Were you afraid I wouldn't help you out?"
"No of course not, we just hadn't talked in a really long time and I thought it might be awkward if I... ya know... asked to stay doh you for a bit."
"I know. I know and I'm sorry, I should have texted you," I look down not knowing that she felt this way. Had I offended her by not reaching out after Hamilton?
"Don't worry about it, Lin you honestly need to stop saying you're sorry because you aren't in the wrong, okay?" Her hands are on the sides of my face and I lean in so our foreheads are touching.
"Thanks pips"
"Anytime alex, anytime," she says referencing back to earlier when we left the coffee shop. We both giggle a little bit and smile like idiots, just happy to be in each other's presence.
"Copycat," I mutter under my breath as we start to kiss.

I got another chapter out!! Yay!!! Thank you guys for all of the support, I'm probably going to keep mentioning this every freaking update but you guys are just so awesome so thank you!!

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