9- Forbidden Encounter

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I was now sitting across from Hoseok. I had never met him before but it felt like he knew me.... Weird.

"So, are you married?" He said while pointing slightly to my ring. I chuckled and replied, "Yup. Are you in a relationship?"

He shook his head and sighed, "Love is a complicated thing."

"Trust me I know."

After a few hours, we continued to chat and laugh together. It was fun, making a new friend and all.

"Alright. It's getting late." He said while sighing and looking to his phone. I nodded and realized I haven't checked my phone since we came to sit down at the cafe.

I rushed to my purse and turned on my phone to see 4 missed calls from Jimin and 8 new messages.

Then, I glanced to the time and saw that it was already 11:30pm.

"Oh my god, I didn't realize it was that late at night!"

He looked at me worriedly and scratched the back of his neck, "Sorry I kept you."

"No no, it's ok!"

I slipped out of the booth and as I was about to pay, Hoseok grabbed my hand softly and smiled, "It's ok, this is my treat. You should go see your husband."

I looked to him with so much gratefulness and hugged him quick before running off.


I payed for the meal happily and took my time walking down the street.

*ring* *ring*


"Yo~!" Namjoon yelled through the phone.

"What's up?"

"Wanna go for drinks, I have nothing to do!"

"Sure. I gotta talk to you about something that happened today either way."

"Oh ok! Do you want me to come pick you up?"

"Sure I guess."

"What's the context of what you wanted to tell me?"

"Well... I met this girl... "

"and she's married."


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