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He secretly snuck into her room. He had lost his pencil again. The only place he can get another one is in her room, his sister's room. He knew she would get mad if she ever found out, but he was desperate. He needed it to finish writing down the rest of his song.

She was downstairs watching T.V. "This is my perfect chance!" he said to himself. He quickly ran into her room. He found a pencil on her bed and he quickly grabbed it and left to finish writing.

That afternoon, she went into her room. She was in mood for writing poems. She looked for a pencil but she couldn't find one. "Oh well, I do it later." she said out loud.


She was in her brother's room. They were talking when he threw the pencil at her. "Wait, you had my pencil the whole time!" she asked.

"Yeah." he said calmly.

"I was looking for it, but then I gave up cause I couldn't find it." she said.

"Well, I lost mine so I took yours."

"You lost yours so you just decide to mine without asking! That's stealing!" she yelled at him.

"I can't find mine!" he yelled back.

"That doesn't give you the right to take someone else's things!" She was really mad. Stealing something someone might need is not a good thing. It was the one thing she completely hated. Especially when you know they are going ask for it at some point. She could not take it so she ran out with her pencil telling him not to take any of her things ever again.   

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