A Different Type Of Air [#SPECIAL]

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I was completely speechless for most of the rest of the night.

I didn't know what to say. I didn't know what to think. I couldn't get the image of Kai Lee dancing like the way she did, to my song of all songs, out of my mind. The way she moved to the music and grooved to the beat kept replaying itself over and over and refused to just fade away. Never in a million years have I ever thought that Kai Lee would be the one to find that song and spin a routine off of it. Heck, I never would've thought that she'd ever even find it. It had been years since then. So really, it made a lot of sense to me when they all finally explained that Hoseok had been the one to reveal that little secret to her. After hearing that, I'd wanted to dig a hole all the way to the very centre of the Earth, and either throw Hoseok into it or jump into it myself.

But...still. Shit, man.

I'd actually enjoyed all of it. Every minute, every second of it. Or more of, every moment I wasn't spending either wanting to die of embarrassment or replaying the entire thing in my head and analyzing every detail I'd missed in the replay before it. If I were sitting down then, it would've been a great lap dance. Because, hell. Kai Lee had looked drop-dead gorgeous and sexy as hell doing it all.

I wanted to smack myself on the head for having such thoughts about her. But I couldn't help myself no matter how much I tightened the reins. I was not as pure as I'd insisted I was.

"Happy Birthday Rap Monster!" I heard the entire room shout in unison as they raised their glasses to wish me again. Grinning, I raised mine as well. But despite all that I was telling myself to enjoy the night, it was kind of hard to. I pretended that there wasn't anything wrong, because I didn't want to seem ungrateful. But there was something slightly off about the scene in front of me.

We were all gathered in one of the meeting rooms, the serious space usually used for important discussions turned into a birthday party for me. There were coloured streamers and all sorts of animal themed balloons everywhere. Everyone was wearing party hats and had a plate of food in their hands. After the prank that had taken place the evening before, Bang PD let us have the rest of the day off to celebrate. We had our showers, and had headed straight to the meeting room as requested by Bang PD. Only for me to be surprised again by all the food and decorations that weren't supposed to be in there. So that meant no staying back late for discussing the upcoming comeback we were planning on making next year in a few months' time. And it meant staying back to have a little more fun.

The food was delicious. The cake practically fell apart and melted in your mouth. The drinks were refreshing. The music they played, thankfully, weren't any of my singles or other collaborations.

The company I had with me were all amazing and great to work with, because we'd become more like family, like a pack deal you'd find in a supermarket. The party was just what we needed to unwind and let loose for a night before we got back to working hard on our next album again. The buffet they'd somehow managed to prepare could feed the entire building for three days.

So what else was I missing? Wasn't everything there? Everything was there. Nothing was missing. Everything was there and in place. That is, until I finally realized.

What was missing, was a certain someone.

Kai Lee. She wasn't there. She wasn't anywhere to be found. So where was she? Did she not get invited? I wondered and wondered as I chewed my food, pretending to be listening to all the lively chatter that was going on all around me. Her not being invited was impossible because she'd participated in the prank, so not inviting her was like some sort of treason. A betrayal. It would be rude not to invite someone that had helped you successfully do something. Which in this case was successfully pull a good one over me and actually take me by complete and utter surprise. So why wasn't she here?

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