Explicit Surprise

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"And next week we'll start on the verbs and adverbs," I said as I collected the papers I'd given Hoseok, or J-Hope, quickly skimming through his sentences. "You're doing pretty good, actually. You'll be better than Namjoon in no time, man," I added with a cheeky grin.

"You think so?" he asked, his face brightening up at my words.

"I know so, buddy," I replied with a knowing wink. "Someone needs to take down that ego of his down a notch," I continued, my voice playful and teasing, making him nod with a smile.

"These tutoring sessions are really fun, Kai Lee," he said, laughing. "No offence, but I was afraid that this would be boring."

I gave him an amused look, shaking my head in disappointment.

"Do not underestimate my powers, young one," I said solemnly.

"I'm older than you."

His eyes were silently laughing at me, which I only waved off and shushed him.

"So much to learn," I tsked, making him laugh a little harder.

"Now I see why Namjoonie likes talking to you so much," he chuckled nonchalantly. "You're really funny. The others say the same thing about you."

And at that very moment, I felt all the air being knocked right out of my lungs. I tried to fake a laugh so there wouldn't be any weird silences in the conversation to possibly give me away. Holy fucking shit. Namjoon talks about me? No. No, no, no, Kai Lee. It's just a tutor and student relationship, Kai Lee. He's just being really friendly again. Furthermore, the others have all said the same thing! So it wasn't just him alone!

"Why, thank you," I answered, my mind still blank from the little mindgasm my brain had just had. "It's just a matter of personality, really. No need for such compliments. Though I don't mind if you keep 'em coming," I added, grinning, making him laugh again. Oh, please tell me there's more where that came from.

I looked down at my watch and saw that it was already time for the session to come to an end. Tapping my watch, I showed him the time and he nodded, giving me one last smile before he started getting up from his seat.

"What classes do you have after this?" he asked curiously as we both exited the room.

"I have a dance class with some trainees. Then another tutoring session with..." I answered him, trailing as I racked my brain for the next person I needed to tutor. And my mind kind of went blank when I finally thought of his name.

"With..?" he asked, his tone trailing off at his question. Until he saw my face.

"It's Yoongi isn't it?" he asked, a knowing smirk on his face, having it grow bigger as I nodded tiredly in defeat. "Don't grow too many white hairs, Kai Lee. You're still young."

"Well," I breathed. "There's at least some progress. He isn't horrible. He's been upgraded to terrible. Which really isn't as bad as it sounds," I chuckled. "Please don't take any offense to my jokes, though," I added with a more serious tone.

He snickered.

"We all know not to take offense to your jokes," he assured me. "Honestly, we find it kind of refreshing to have someone else who isn't within our group to be talking to us like this. Really."

"Hard job, huh?" I asked. "I've always wondered how you people deal with that kind of thing."

"It's the support that we get that gets us through," he replied. "And each other."

We walked some more down a corridor to reach the lift. And along the way, I noticed Hoseok greeting everyone that he knew. Like how I'd seen with everyone else who worked there. Must be nice to have a family as big as this. Hyuk, Ji En and the Bangtan Boys were all the people I knew. All that I needed to know. Four months later and it's sayonara.

"Oh!" he suddenly stopped to turn around to ask me something. "You're teaching Namjoon how to dance, right?"

"Yeah. Why?" I answered, cocking my head to the side.

"How is he doing? Did he step on your feet 'til they were black and blue?" he asked, chuckling, a cheeky smile on his face.

"Well. He's doing fine. But let's just say that I'm staying away from dancing too close to him, buddy. I still need my two feet," I replied, an amused smile stretching itself across my lips. "I'm just glad to see that he's actually improved from his trainee days, like he said so. Less chances of a migraine. But I can't say the same about some of the others though."

"You really are funny, you know? I'm surprised you're a fighter and not a comedian," he laughed. "Or, have you even thought of doing both?"

"Sorry," I apologized sheepishly. "Stand-up comedy is not my strong suit."

"Oh! Before I forget!"

He handed me a slip of folded paper, a grin on his face and a sly glint in his eyes.

"What's this?" I asked, unraveling the paper and seeing words scribbled onto it in blue ink. The handwriting was neat, and yet raw. Almost like it was written by a child's hand.

"Namjoonie's birthday is coming up. And the rest of the guys have all agreed to prank him," he explained. "It's on the 12th of this month."

Namjoon's birthday? 12th of September? Well, hell. That means that I was slightly older than him. Mine falls on the 13th of August. But does the fact that I was about a month older affect the thoughts that occasionally fill my head? Nope. Not one bit.

"Um..." I murmured as I read the song written onto the paper. 'Trouble'...? By Rap Monster and Jin...?

I admit, that I haven't exactly heard a lot of music by BTS. But I have done some research on Namjoon. So why was it now that I find out that he's had some collaborations? And possibly his own singles?

"This song was from a long time ago. And we want you to try to make up a routine for it," he continued. "How do you normally teach a new routine, if I may ask?"

I pondered over his question for a bit before I answered. This almost feels like an interrogation. What kind of plan were these people concocting? If it was a good one, I want in on it. A prank on Namjoon? Yes, please.

"Well, I always do a demonstration of the entire routine for all of my classes first before I-"

"Perfect! Great!" he exclaimed, cutting me off and clapping his hands together in glee. "We asked Bang PD to agree on letting us use one of the rooms on the fifth floor, the dance rooms with the one way mirrors. And we want to film his reaction to the entire thing."

I gave him an amused look, but the cogs in my brain were turning. What kind of song was it to have the power to earn such a reaction from Namjoon?

"Give the song a listen before you agree. We don't want to make you do this, Kai Lee," he added. "And if you agree, the plan is to have you demonstrate the dance first, give it a few minutes for the entire thing to sink in to his brain before we surprise him. There will be cake and everything, and you're invited!"

"Okay, now I'm interested. You've intrigued me," I laughed. "What kind of song is it? How do you think Namjoon will react? You know, I have a dance session with him later on, and I don't know if my curiosity will get the best of me."

"Give it a listen for yourself," he answered, grabbing my wrist to have a glance at the time on my watch. "I have to go now, but we'll text over this later, okay? Great! Bye Kai Lee! And remember, not a word! Really! It'll be worth it!" he said in a hurry before he scurried off in another direction, seeming to genuinely be in a hurry.

"Damn it," I laughed. "Alright, alright," I muttered softly to myself before I read the words written on the piece of paper again.

'Trouble'. Something about that song title alone set fires in my gut. And if my womanly instincts were right, I'd have guessed the song to be...well, filled with explicit content. And if it was going to gauge a reaction out of Namjoon, then my suspicions were only solidified.

But, should I?


Should she? You decide! You decide!

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