Chapter 2: Loneliness

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A/N:  Yayyyy, finally another update. This chapter is unedited, so please excuse any errors within the chapter. As always, happy reading lovelies 😁😁

3rd Person's Pov

The feeling of loneliness can fully consume a person. It can make them feel all alone in a world full people. There are billions of people living on this earth, but when a person has the feeling of loneliness, they feel as if they're the only ones being consumed in darkness with no one to help them.

Marissa was laying on her bed in a fetal position as tears had rolled down her face. She had no idea why this was crushing her so much. She had believed that she would be over this by now. The feeling returned once again when her son, Hyeon, was dropped off by Min Yoongi.

Every time she comes in contact with him, her heart yearns for him. It wants him to hold her like he used to. It wants him to be there for his family. It just wants his presence and his heart to belong to her. She knows it's not possible though. Deep down she knows that this is a fake reality that her heart so desperately desires to be true. They say the heart can be misleading, and in this moment in time, she feels as if it is.

Her son walks into the room, jumping on the bed as he crawls next to her. His tiny arms wrap around her. He snuggles closely to her while he presses his face into her back. Her son's presence is what she needs right now.

Marissa slowly turns around, sitting up against her headboard. She pulls him into her lap. His happy eyes meet her glossy sad ones. He takes his tiny hand as he wipes away her tears. He smiles faintly at her, his smile being small but bright.

"Don't cry mommy. You have uncles with you," He whispers.

Her heart clenches at his plea. She feels guilty for having her son see her this way. She pulls him into a hug as she buries her face in his hair.

"I'm okay baby, there's no need to worry," She replies to him, kissing the top of his forehead.

"Mommy, why do you cry so much? Is it because of daddy," He finally questions her after wondering about it for so long. His tiny brain couldn't wrap around the concept that both of his parents were no longer together. He wanted to know why. He was hurt because of this. He just wanted both mommy and daddy to be together as a family so they could go on outings together.

She didn't know how to respond. Hyeon had never asked a question like that. He's never mentioned Yoongi to Marissa before. She was upset. She wanted to tell Hyeon the truth, but she didn't want to hurt him. She didn't want her sweet little boy to know what they have been through. She couldn't bring herself to tell him of the past they have overcome.

"It's nothing honey, I promise you that," She lied. If Marissa couldn't get Yoongi back, she knew that this lie would catch up to her. She knew that sooner or later her son will find the truth. Once he does, she hopes that it won't come in between her son and herself. She can't have him pull away from her too. Her world would literally come crashing down. She would lose all will to live if that were to come to that.

Yoongi was going through his penthouse as Minji had shown up with lunch. Yoongi pecks her on the cheek as he takes the bag from her hand. He doesn't have Minji yet, but he hopes to have her after today. He's determined to get her.

"Minji dear, you missed Hyeon again," Yoongi cheerily says. His heart always warms up at the sight of Minji.

He becomes more calm with her around, but he feels as if there's something off. Whenever he sees Marissa, there's this longing to hold her. He's confused as to what it is.

He always brushes it off because she's not the one he needs. The one he needs is standing there in front of him. She is so beautiful that even the most beautiful flower couldn't compare to her beauty.

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