Chapter 7

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A/N: Hi guys, it's Jackie (twilightgirl1), so here is the chapter, we are not going to be able to post more any time soon, but I just wanted to post this Chapter.

 Hope you guys like it, and don't forget to comment/vote/ become a fan. : )






I kept thinking on Jeff that day, things were getting out of control, my life was getting out of control, I thought of getting away from everything, but apperently my sin is going to follow me everywhere.

I....think I love him, after all this time.

But I have to let go of him, he deserves better, I should just go back to the States, and make up something to get away from everyone, maybe I should go to Europe.......Spain sounds nice right now, but I just go here, my parents are going to kill me if I tell them that I want to go back.

After a few hours of thinking......I decided to change into my bikini and go to the pool.

It was getting very hot outside, it was, I walked up to the side of the pool, kids were running around the side trowing things at eachother, and mothers were carrying their kids, while dads were swimming in the pool. I was going to get in the pool, when I all of the sudden saw a couple making- out in front of everyone, they looked so cute, some part of me wanted to feel that, be like them, but things were not like that, my life was complicated.........and things were not going to get better any time soon.

I got in the pool, the water was a bit cold, but it was relaxing. I turned around and saw something that was going to mark me forever.


He was not to far away making-out with a girl. I was shocked, I didn't know what to do, I grabbed my towel and got out of the pool as fast as I could, I ran fast, that I didn't notice bumpping into Jeff, making the girl that he was making out with fall to the water.

I kept running not caring if the girl was alright or not, tears were running down my face, I felt pain in my heart.

I have to go, and get away from here that was my last thought, before passing out.





I woke up after what seems like years, my head was still spinning, I tried to calm down, but I started to remember what Aldo had showed me, he really was a vampire.

My heart started to go wild, I wanted to get out of here, but yet, I was starting to feel something for Aldo.

"You are finally awake" I heard Aldo said, I came back from my thoughts and saw that I was now in his room.

"I....I....don't know what to say, you.......are a vampire" I got up from the bed, still feeling a little bit disorientated, I took a step forward, but my head was still buzzy, I was about to go back to bed, when I felt two strong arms go around me.


"You have to understand, I'm not a bad vampire, I never was......."

"How can you say that.....I mean, vampires don't exist, they...can't be"

"We do exist.........Sam, we are more real than ever"

"I....I don't know, what to say"

"Sam, I'm not going to hurt you, I promise" he was so close to me now, our faces were so close; his eyes were eating me literally.

I saw lust in them, couldn't resists anymore, so I just close the space between us, giving him a kiss on the lips.

I kissed him, forgetting everything that just happened, he hugged me, I felt safe in his arms, but I knew that things needed to go back to normal any time soon.




A/N: Ok, that was the end of Chapter 7, please comment and vote :D

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