Chapter 4

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A/N: Hi guys, it's Jackie (twilightgirl1), sorry for the long wait, but I'm having a rough week, with all the finals, and homework, but here is Chapter 4.

Hope you guys like it, and please comment and vote!  We would love to hear from you guys.

Don't forget to read more stories, from MarisaCullen123; she is an amazing writer and her new story "A Clean Break" is going to be awesome!

Thanks 

Enjoy! 





How can this happened, I slept with Jeff, and it was all a mistake, it shouldn't had happened in the first place. I remember Jeff, telling me that he loves me, but was it true? Did he really love me? No, it might off been an impulse.

I was in my room, sitting next to the window, looking at the sky, wondering how my life was going to change from now on.

But wait, where was Sam?

I went to the closet, and got out a pair of jeans, and a t-shirt.

Putting them on, I heard a knock on the door. Maybe is Sam, but she has her key.

I open the door and saw Jeff, crying, he looked very sad and angry.

"Jeff" I whispered

"Why?" he said, wiping tears from his eyes.

"Why, what?" I asked confused.

"WHY?!" he shouted, entering the room, while pushing me to the wall.

Why was he mad? I thought

"Why did you pushed me like that?!" I shouted. I was getting mad now, my nerves were about to explode, I couldn't stand it anymore, so I got up, pushing him away, with force. He looker hurt, like if he lost himself, it was a horrible thing to see, but why get angry at me?

Wait; was he mad, because I left his room without saying anything?

"Why did you leave, this morning?" he asked

"You don't understand do you? It was all a mistake Jeff, it should of never happened in the first place. I was drunk and I didn't know what I was doing, I'm sorry if you got the wrong impression"

"You're sorry?" he asked with anger, grabbing my hand, and pulling me to him.

"You are not sorry, you're enjoying my pain, I'm the one that is sorry for falling in love with you" my eyes went wide when he said that, I heard him last night, when he was telling me how much he loved me, but I didn't care, I thought he was just playing with me, but I guess, I was wrong.

He let go of my arm, and started walking away. He turned around, one last time; we stared at each other for a minute. Jeff had a very unhappy face, but I knew that it was the right thing, to let him go.

"I don't ever want to see you again, Erica" he said, before leaving the room.

I just stood there, shocked; his words make my heart ache. But, why? 

I can't have feelings for him, he is an annoying jerk, and he doesn't deserve me.

But maybe, I'm the one that doesn't deserve him.

I started to cry, this was not easy, and I needed my friend to be here with me.

But where was Sam now?

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