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Chapter 21- Connor’s POV

We all walked together as a group.  I had no idea where we were headed, but I did know that immediately after the Remembrance, Melchior, Roxanne, and I were leaving for the Infinity Collective Command Central, where we would be assisting in the interrogation of the Ringmaster.  I had no doubt in my mind that the Collective would use any means to get answers from her, and as much as it disgusts me to say this, there was a small part of me that wasn’t looking forward to it.  I guess that was the part of me that still had a soul.

We all came to a stop at a large tree.  Even with my limited experience with trees, it was still, to my estimation, the biggest tree on earth.  There were photos all over it, hanging from the branches and sticking to the trunk.  They were the faces of the dead, the shadows of the past.  Now the Bianchi’s and… and she would join them.

People began to go and place their photos on the tree.  Roxanne walked forward slowly with two photos in her hand, one of her mother and one of her father.  With tears sliding down her face, she took some glue from a communal pot at the base of the tree and pasted the pictures to the tree trunk.

“Goodbye, mother.  Goodbye, father.  I’ll always remember you.”

She took some deep breaths and then turned around. 

“Let’s go, Melchior.  I think we should go and get Clark from the infirmary so that he can attend the rest of the remembrance.”

She walked away, and he followed without question, leaving me alone next to the tree of ghosts.

I had no photos of her, no mementos, nothing to mark her passing.  I stood there for a few minutes holding on desperately to my memories of her, the only thing I had left.  All of a sudden, an idea came to me.

I took my knife from my belt and walked over to the base of the tree. Kneeling down, I began to cut into the base of the tree.  I don’t have the faintest idea how long it took, but I know that at some point the knife slipped, and I cut my hand.  I didn’t feel it, though.  I didn’t even notice the blood until after I was finished, and I had sat back to inspect my handiwork.  Even then, I didn’t really feel it.


It was the first and last time since her death that I could bring myself to say her name.

“Rachel, wherever you are, please know that I will keep my promise.  I swear to you that I will not rest until the Colony is overthrown and we all can think for ourselves.  No matter what it takes.  Then, when it is all over, I will come and join you, wherever you are.”  I took my bleeding hand and wiped it along the carving.  “Let this serve as a blood oath that I will do all I have promised you.” 

I tried to sheath my knife, but my hands were shaking too badly.  I ended up just tucking it in my shoe.  Then I got up off the ground, turned around, and walked away without another word.

When I got back to camp, Napoleon was waiting for me with Roxanne and Melchior. 

“Time to go, son.  The helicopter will have us there in under an hour.”

I started towards them, but the stopped abruptly.  “Wait a second.  Where’s Clark?”

Napoleon fidgeted uncomfortably.  “Ah yes… you see, Connor-“

“They’re keeping him here!” Roxanne interrupted.  “I asked them the same thing, and they said that Clark was staying here indefinitely!”

I took a moment to look from her to Napoleon.  “Oh no they’re not.  If Clark is staying, the we’re staying, too.”  I took a seat on the ground and looked Napoleon straight in the eye.  “You could try removing us by force, but I wouldn’t try it if I were you.”  Roxanne and Melchior took a hint and sat down on the ground.  Napoleon looked uncomfortable; things hadn’t gone according to plan, and he was on the  verge of losing control.

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