Chapter 12

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Neymar is pushed onto the bed from the sheer force of her pushing on to him, they land with her on top of him, straddling him. He picks her up from the waist and flips over his body hovering hers disconnecting their lips from each other, it stays quiet for a few minutes with both of them staring each other down  

Neymar breaks the silence and gets up from her dragging Valencia up he puts both of his hands on her waist.  "What the hell was that?, Trying to kiss me to make me forgive you? Really?" Neymar takes off his arms and steps  back staring her down.  

Valencia looks away from his gaze and touches her lips as the memory of them kissing is still fresh on her mind. "I don't know why I did that Neymar..... I got desperate and didn't want you to be mad at me!"

Neymar shakes his head at her slightly  disappointed "I don't even know what to say, and here I thought you wanted me!, but you're playing all these games with me, and I'm sick of it. You're the one who keeps throwing mixed signals!.... you just threw yourself on me because "you were desperate " he throws his hands up quoting Valencia  "You either want me, or you don't and you can walk out of that door right now and never come back here again......Its your choice Valencia "

Valencia steps back shocked at Neymar's words ", did you seriously said that I'm the one whose throwing mixed signals??!"

She turned on her heels walking out of the door slamming it behind her and runs down the stairs tearing up from everything that has been happening.

Neymar runs out of the door a second later following behind Valencia who was already almost out of the front door. "Valencia wait!" He yells as he's running  down the stairs behind her "God damnit! I said wait!" .

Valencia stops outside in front of his BMW glaring at him. He grabs her hand and drags her back into the house,  completely ignoring  Valencia's cries of protest.

Valencia snatches her hand from his glaring at him and walks back up the stairs to her room without saying a word to him.  The slam of a door the only thing echoing in the house.

Valencia leaves the room a few hours later, making her way down to the kitchen hoping to not run into neymar. But her luck runs out as she bumps into neymar, shocked at his appearance she puts her hands over mouth and gasps.

"What the hell happened to you neymar?!, you look like you just went through hell and back. Like you got in a fight with a lion!"

"Feels like I did" Neymar grumbled shoving past Valencia, he limped his way towards his bedroom clearly in pain.

She helps him onto the bed and starts to assess his injury's. "So you want to tell me what happened? ".

Neymar looks away from her gaze and stares at the TV. "I got in a fight with a teammate at.... the club, and now I'm probably suspended from the team". 

Valencia sighs deeply  and starts to put ice on a black eye that is clearly forming making Neymar  wince from the shock. 

"I think I might leave the club" Neymar announces suddenly. 

Valencia stops whats she doing and looks at Neymar  surprised.

Hi everyone author note here. I know it's such a short chapter and you guys are going to be like " seven months of waiting and she gives us this crap?!." Yes I know I'm sorry. Like I said, I've been busy and my writing is Rusty. I debated on whether or not I should write In Neymars transfer but I did anyways because I think it will freshen up the book. If anyone has an suggestions or tips on how to improve anything here, feel free to DM me on here. Thankyou everyone for the votes ❤

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 13, 2017 ⏰

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