chapter 3

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Jazzy: Hey Alex are you ok you've been acting really weird around me  lately

Alex: yah...why...babe

Jazzy: ok you just seem a bit edgy

Alex: oh ok I got go bye

Alex was acting so weird lately and I was determined to get to the bottom of it.

I followed Alex to some house three streets over and watched him walk into some girls house. so many thought went through my head. was he cheating on me? who was this girl? was this where he was going everyday? the last thought in my head was Naill!

I walked round to the back door and saw Alex kissing this girl then I freaked out I knocked at the door and demanded answers

Jazzy: Alex! how could you!!!! I threw the band he got me at him and slapped him across the face!

Alex: jazzy wait come sorry

mystery girl: no your not you are happy she is gone you don't have to hide us any more!

I storm back into her house and smack her across the face for saying that and I think I broke her nose but I didn't look back I ran to my car and drove home and cried and thought of Naill and how I missed him and how stupid I was for leaving him and then I realized  my knuckles were bleeding from hitting them. then I called Ali and now I am here!

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