chapter 15

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harry's p.o.v

harry: who the hell are you and why are you on my couch?

unknown person: who are you and where is niall horan?

harry: why do you wanna know?

u.p: I need to know where niall horan and his girl are at?

harry:get the fuck out of my house buddy!

Ali: harry what's going on?

harry: this nut case broke into our house and wants to know where ni and jaz are

Ali: harry that's Alex jazzys ex

harry: ok look buddy get out or I'm calling the cops

Alex: I need to know where niall and jazzy are

Ali: no get the fuck out of my house

* Alex reaches for Ali and she flipps out and punches him in the face and Harry throws him out of the house*

harry: you ok babe?

Ali:yah I can't believe that asshole did that

harry: hurry up and pack our flight leaves in a hour

Ali: I can't wait Kitten just me and you a whole 2 weeks in Paris

harry: we will be taking a lot of cabs

Ali: harry!

harry: joking let's go babe

hey guys so Alex broke into the house and Ali kicked his ass to the curb I wonder how jazzy and niall are going to spend there 2 weeks alone in the house without Ali and harry more to come till then -jazzy

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