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“Tragedy of loss

Tragedy of hurt

Leaving something against will,

Or someone leave you first.”

“The last sliver of light slips slowly away

On my knee I drop to pray

Watching you slip into grey

Wishing that I had just one more day”

“From the home we don’t own

To the daughter you almost lost

When the trusted all left

And every life was crossed”

“We were together we were happy

One day they took you away from me

Now I miss you and am lonely

Brother please hurry back to me”

I say this quite often, because I try to be an optimist

But even in dire circumstances, if we tried hard enough

We can find the silver lining, even if it’s only dull grey

I think we have to, or risk never growing. Only surviving in a sea of still water

What you call act four of the tragedy,

May well be act three of the comedy.

If your resolution leaves you restless,

Seek out one that will be your success.

Everyone thinks tragedy is horrible

But it makes you stronger every day

Without each bad event in my life

How would I be who I am today, strong

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