Day Four

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Jack. Day Four - 19:43

His face looms at me through the darkness; those bright eyes, a beacon in the pitch black that engulfed the room. He made no acknowledgement to the fact that I'd noticed him, sitting there, smiling at me, but I knew he knew. Alex was clear like that; stupidly clever and stupidly murderous. In other words a dreadful combination. A dreadful combination was of course the only thing that could accidentally concoct someone so perfect looking as Alex Gaskarth.

I had no idea how long he had been sitting there for and for what purpose? Even God could only begin to imagine. Alex's mind was definitely something extraordinary, similar to Einstein's and if he just cut loose on the murder and kidnap and god knows what else, then maybe he'd be somewhere. Maybe he'd be the man I got taught about in history class rather than the man I got warned about in social studies. It was rather saddening how he'd put his knowledge, his power to such a waste. And for the first time I began to feel sorry for him. Then I really knew I was starting to lose it, but Alex, Alex was different from your average murderer - I should stop using that term so casually; I think he was having a rather disturbing effect on me.


"Do you believe in monsters, Jacky?" The first words he'd spoke in this enigmatic silence, darkness cloaked around me at such tightness fierce enough to cut off my air supply; the first words were irrelevant. The first words were the words of a madman; there was no explanation just, just a question. "Answer the question and then I'll turn the light on." To be honest, the constant state of darkness was beginning to unsettle me more than a little; however I pushed it aside, the rational part of my brain deciding that maybe the serial killer sat feet away from you was a bigger priority. It was weird, because lately I was beginning to get more comfortable around Alex, maybe even trust him. Because, try as my ignorant mind might, I just couldn't imagine those deep brown eyes killing me. I couldn't imagine Alex slashing at my throat, or putting a gun to my head, or anything along those horribly morbid lines. I just couldn't think that Alex Gaskarth would end up killing me.

I'm taking a shot in the dark here, but I don't think he intends to either.

Part of me thinks that he just wants me to think he will; part of me thinks that he just wants me to be scared of him.

I don't think he likes to kill. I just think he gets bored and when some people get bored they watch cat videos, or knit, or give in and write their seven point evidence explain paragraph history essay on the causes of the English Civil War that they really should be doing right now, but Alex is different, his brain I think, works differently, because when Alex is bored none of the above will satisfy him and I think, when Alex is bored, he turns to murder. How many empty seconds before he pulls the gun out though? How long do I have? Is there even a specified grace period or is this all just Russina Roulette? I don't know and I think that's what Alex enjoys most - being clever.

The answer is plain and simple - I have to keep him entertained, because he's messing his life up like this; you can't fix your life by ending another. God just doesn't let it work like that, not that I was really one for religion anyway. But science doesn't really fit the bill; karma isn't exactly a scientific theory, to put it lightly.

"I know you don't like sitting here in the dark, Jacky." I nodded- no, that was too boring. Entertain him, Jack, entertain him. Do you want to live?

"No, I don't." I paused, his features pulled up into a creepy grin as I responded and I instantly knew my tactics were working. The grin disgruntled me of course, but there were things I was going to have to get used to if I wanted to keep breathing and keep seeing those brown eyes of his, that I definitely shouldn't adore as much as I do.

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