The Seperation

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Hey everyone sorry for not updating the book so long....... >-< please forgive me.......>~


Normal POV

"Lucy..... hey you awake....." Natsu said looking at Lucy sleeping. Lucy started to shift in her spot then wrapped her arms around Natsu and started to snore softly. Natsu smiled at the sleeping Lucy and stroked her head, then kissed her on the cheek and quietly unwrapped her arms from around himself, got up and went to the bathroom.

A few minutes later.......

Natsu came out of the bathroom with his hair not looking spiky but all down, looking really soft and silky. Natsu looked at Lucy who was still sleeping soundly, he smiled then took his shirt off and got in bed pulling her closer to him. "Natsu....." Lucy said in her sleep. Natsu looked at Lucy thinking she was awake but saw that she was talking in her sleep. Natsu laughed softly and shifted Lucy so she was now facing him and kissed her on the lips and watched her sleep soundly. Natsu then used his elbow to hold himself up and brushed Lucy's hair off of her face. Lucy started to stretch in her sleep and started to cry a little. Natsu looked startled at first then started to stroke her cheek softly. "'s's ok.....Lucy....shhhhh...." Natsu said hugging Lucy tightly starting to rock her back and forth. Lucy woke up grasping for air and hugged Natsu tightly crying in his chest shaking. "'s's's alright....I'm here....alright....hey....come on tell me what's wrong..." Natsu said still holding Lucy tightly. Lucy calmed down and looked at Natsu with wide eyes. "Natsu.....your's....not...spiky..." Lucy said blushing and ruffled his hair. Natsu blushed hard and kissed Lucy on the lips and Lucy hugged him and they both fell asleep.

A few minutes later......

Natsu woke up to see Lucy still sleeping soundly. Natsu then felt a hand on his face. Natsu looked to see the hand was Lucy's. Natsu look Lucy's hand and pulled her towards him and covered themselves with the blanket. "Natsu.....I have to get up...." Lucy said trying to get up but Natsu's arms were around her waist. "why.... you don't have to get up's only 1:30 a.m." Natsu said hugging Lucy a little tighter. "I know but...." Lucy started. "Lucy.... come on let's just go to bed....we'll talk about this tomorrow......" Natsu said falling asleep. Lucy looked at Natsu sleeping and kissed him on the cheek and tried to get up but Natsu's arms were still around her waist. Lucy gave up on trying to get free from Natsu's grasp and fell asleep in his arms and rested her head on his chest.

The next morning....

Natsu woke up to see Lucy still sleeping in his arms and smiled then rested his head back on the pillow and looked up to see what time it was. The clock read 3:15 a.m. and it was still dark out so Natsu fell back asleep. Lucy woke up a little after Natsu fell back asleep and got up. Natsu shifted in his spot then continued to snore softly. Lucy grabbed her bag and started to pack her clothes. Then she grabbed her hairbrush, toothbrush, accessories and placed them in the bag. Lucy then wrote a note for Natsu when he wakes up so he doesn't worry about her whereabouts.


Dear Natsu,

I left to go back home to do what father said. I know what your thinking and I'm sorry for this but I'll come back I promise and I refuse to get married to Sting. I'll come back after everything is how it should be. I'm sorry and I love you. I'll see you as soon as I tell father that I will not do what he tells me to I will do what my heart tells me to. And my heart tells me to be with you.




Normal POV

Lucy then kissed Natsu on the cheek and left to go on the train to go home. Natsu woke up at 5:30 a.m. like a normal day but something felt different this time. Lucy. Natsu looked down to see Lucy gone. Natsu got up to see a note on the table. Natsu read the note tears streaming down his face. Natsu then started to the door quickly and ran to the train station. Natsu got  on the train and went to Lucy's house.

2 hours later......

Natsu got off the train and ran to Lucy's home. Natsu finally got to the door and knocked. The door opened, it was Lucy.

Lucy's POV

I heard the door bell ring and i walked to the door. As I opened the door I saw Natsu, and he looked terrified. I ran out the door,  hugged him and started to cry in his chest. Natsu wrapped his arms around my waists tightly, "don't ever leave the house again.... i was so.... worried" Natsu half yelled half cried. I stood wide eyed that Natsu was crying and that he got here so fast. "Natsu.... please don't cry.... I'm ok... really i am..." I said hugging him harder. "LUCY!!! who's at the door!!??" a loud voice came from inside the house. "n-nobody...." i said to my father who was in his study up stairs. "Lucy... lets go we're going home... I don't care what your father says....your not getting married to anyone!!" Natsu said in a harsh voice that made me flinch back. "Natsu... I cant go... I have to stay here... you know that..." i said trying to get out of his grip. Natsu paused and kissed me on the lips, picked me up ad started walking to the train station. "Natsu!!! put me down!!!" Lucy screamed and bounded on his back. "No... your coming home with me....and will you stop hitting my back..." Natsu said holding her tightly so she doesn't fall. Lucy sighed and relaxed over Natsu's shoulder. Natsu then brought Lucy down and carried her like a bride. Lucy rested her head on Natsu's chest and didn't try to get out of his arms for they were warm and cozy. "Natsu....why did you come to get me back??" Lucy asked blushing a little. "Because I love you..... and I will never give you away to anyone...." Natsu said kissing Lucy's head.

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