It Was Just a Dream?

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Lucy's POV

Right when I smacked Natsu across the face I herd a voice in my head. It sounded like it was from a boy. It sounded like..... Natsu.

Normal POV

"Lucy!!..... Lucy!!!...Lucy!!!!"

Lucy herd her name being called a bunch of times. Lucy tried to get up but when she did a sharp pain went throughout her body.

"Ahhh" Lucy screamed in pain.

Outside of Lucy's head...

Lucy got in a huge fight with an enemy and got seriously injured. Natsu screamed in anger and attacked the enemy and made it run with its tail between its legs. Lucy could hear Natsu screaming her name and him screaming with tears from his eyes. I can feel Natsu's warm body up against me. I can hear Natsu trying to protect me from the cold wind, we're to fare away from the guide so Natsu had to keep me safe, warm, and get my wounds to heal.

Natsu's POV

"Lucy... Please stay alive..... Please.... I don't know what I'd do without you...." Natsu said blushing and shaking from the cold wind.

Lucy's POV

"N...Na...tsu... I.. hear..." Lucy said shaking from the cold wind starting to turn blue a little.

Natsu's POV

Natsu looked at Lucy to see her turning blue."Lucy?!....Lucy!!!..Lucy, hey come on... Come on, Lucy please don't you think about leaving me, come on I don't want you to go I want to see your beautiful eyes again.... I want to hear your beautiful voice again.... I want you to feel your soft warm skin against mine..." Natsu said holding Lucy close to him with tears in his eyes.

Normal POV

Lucy herd what Natsu said about her and she started to cry. Natsu hears Lucy's heart slowing down"Lucy? No, no, no, no Lucy come on just a little more, come on please hang in there, please!" Natsu said starting to cry. Then all of a sudden Lucy started to wake up. "L...Lu..c..y...?!" Natsu said stunned."N...Na..stu...?" Lucy replied coughing some blood."Lucy, don't speak! Please!" Natsu said hugging her tightly." Na...tsu. please..." Lucy gasped for air."S..sorry.. I just really, really, really missed you and I was worried that you wouldn'" Natsu said hugging Lucy again but not as hard. Lucy hugged him back but only because of the cold wind blowing right at them and it started to snow and Natsu was warm. really warm. Natsu held Lucy closer to him because Natsu felt Lucy when he hugged her and she was freezing.

Lucy's POV

"Natsu's so warm and cozy... I... I think...I'm with N...Na...tsu..." Lucy said quietly but all Natsu herd was his name being called. Natsu looked at Lucy and saw that she was falling asleep on him. Natsu laughed softly and was just about to kiss Lucy on the forehead but right when he was going to he stopped in place and started to think. Natsu sighed and accidentally woke Lucy up with a jump."N..Natsu? what are you doing still up, it's late..." Lucy said rubbing her sleepy eyes."S..sorry... I didn't know you fell asleep on me..." Natsu said rubbing his head smiling and blushing a little. Lucy blushed to the site of Natsu blushing."it's fine I needed to wake up anyways...." Lucy said moving away from Natsu."Hey you ok?" Natsu asked a little offended by the fact that Lucy moved away from him."Yeah... I'm sorry... I just need to cool off for a bit I'm burning..." Lucy said blushing harder.

Normal POV

Natsu fell asleep after awhile. A few hours later Natsu woke up to see Lucy still sleeping but since it was still snowing out and it was also windy out. Lucy was getting covered by snow by the second and a tree was starting to fall right were Lucy was sleeping."Lucy!" Natsu yelled running to her. Lucy woke up to Natsu yelling and running to her. Lucy was getting ready to get up but for some reason she couldn't move."N...Na....tsu...!" Lucy screamed with fear. Natsu got to Lucy and grabbed her the tree was close and Natsu doesn't have time to pick Lucy up and run. Natsu grabbed Lucy really close to him and covered her head. The tree fell on top of Natsu. Natsu got seriously injured because of the tree,it was extremely heavy, "L...Lu...c....y..." Natsu said with pain still worrying about Lucy."N....Na....tsu...?! I...I....d...don'"Lucy said shaking like crazy turning blue."'"Natsu said in so much pain Lucy started to feel pain just by listening to him. "Natsu I have" Lucy stuttered."Wh...what?"Natsu asked."I....I......I really, really, really!" Lucy said blushing hard. Natsu was stunned by what he just herd"R.....really?!" Natsu said blushing hard to."I... I can't believe this....You've loved me all this time.....?!"Natsu said blushing still."W...well...yes I have and I've always had...."Lucy said blushing harder."Lucy....the truth is.....I've been trying to find the perfect moment to ask you out...for a really long time now..."Natsu said blushing harder. With that Natsu leaned in for a kiss Lucy did as well. Natsu and Lucy's lips were an inch close but then Natsu stopped to extreme pain in his chest. "N.... Na...tsu....?! Please don't move...I don't want you to get injured even more..."Lucy said hugging Natsu gently and found a way out from under the tree."Natsu...can you walk?"Lucy asked looking into his eyes."I don't....think so..." Natsu said trying to move."No please don't move I'll get you out of'll see..." Lucy said while helping Natsu up.

Natsu's POV

"Lucy.. you can barely walk let's just stay h-here...for tonight..ok...?"Natsu said blushing and grabbing Lucy close to him."O..ok...only cause I'm to tired ans I can't move any more..."Lucy said blushing and hiding her flushed cheeks in his chest. Natsu blushed from Lucy being so close to him. "H...hey.... Lucy...can I ask you something...?" Natsu asked retrieving Lucy's face from his chest."S...sure...about what?" Lucy replied blushing."When you were asleep....what were you dreaming of...?"Natsu asked."I...I...I don't want to talk about it...." Lucy said scarred.

Lucy's POV

Lucy shivered then sneezed. "Hey don't look to good." Natsu said worried about her."W...what are you t...talking about...I'm f....fine..." Lucy said coughing."Come on tell the truth...." Natsu said his head touching Lucy's." Alright fine...I don't feel so well..."Lucy said blushing hard."Lucy.... you look like your running a fever...." Natsu said putting his hand on Lucy's forehead."Natsu...please..."Lucy started."Please....What?" Natsu asked confused."I'm scarred....and my head really's like some one is kicking it.....please...make it go away..." Lucy said holding her head."Lucy...I don't know what you want me to do....I can't do anything..." Natsu said feeling really bad for her. Lucy buried her face in to Natsu's chest blushing harder."Goodnight...Lucy...I love you..."Natsu said with Lucy in his arms.

Lucy's and Natsu's POV

Lucy woke up to see Natsu's arms around her, she looked up to see Natsu's face"I never knew Natsu looks cute when he sleeps.... He's so adorable when he sleeps...."Lucy thought to herself then she fell asleep against Natsu's chest holding Natsu's arms that were around her waists. Natsu woke up a couple minutes later to Lucy's movement. Natsu looked at Lucy and blushed to how cute she looks when sleeping. Natsu leaned in and kissed Lucy on the cheek.

The next morning....

Natsu woke up fist feeling refresh. Natsu looked at Lucy who was still sleeping, kissed her on the cheek and quietly got up and picked her up. Natsu looked for an abandoned house to go in to care for Lucy's wounds

A few hours later....

Lucy woke up to see Natsu carrying her like a bride, Lucy blushed at the thought of that."oh... hey Lucy have a good night's rest?" Natsu asked blushing a little."Yeah...but we're we and why are you walking!?"Lucy somewhat scolded Natsu."I'm sorry but your still injured and sick and I don't want you to get more worse than you already are..." Natsu said blushing."oh...." Lucy said blushing a little. Lucy then rested her head on Natsu's chest and fell asleep again.

A couple minutes later....

"Lucy... Lucy can you wake up real quick..." Natsu said as Lucy woke up."What...what is it...?"Lucy said rubbing her sleepy eyes."Lucy...can you stand real quick I need to get something?" Natsu asked kindly."Yeah..."Lucy replied. Natsu settled Lucy down and Natsu took his shirt off and putting Lucy in his shirt."Natsu! what are you doing! you need your shirt on!" Lucy said blushing hard." long as your warm I'm warm, when you rest I rest...ok?" Natsu said in a sexy voice getting closer to her. Lucy was stunned by what Natsu said and started blushing hard."N...Natsu!?" Lucy said blushing and hiding her red cheeks in Natsu's chest. Lucy kissed Natsu on the cheek and quietly feel back asleep again but this time she was blushing in her sleep. Natsu was still looking for an abandoned house to use when he finally found one.

Hey everyone I stayed up all night trying to finish this chapter I hope you enjoy this! Make sure you guys post me on of you like the chapter let me know if you want me to change the way I write the chapters and I will get to them as fast as I can thanks everyone! Hope you enjoy!

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