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I seem to be in a state of delusion

and my brain has turned to mush

I can't think and I keep falling over

I'm deaf in one ear so everything's a half hush

I'm sneezing six times a minute

and sniffing constantly, but I can't smell

and this cough is setting my lungs on fire

I'm enduring ten different kinds of hell

My hands are constantly shaking

one second I'll shiver, the next I'm too hot

I'll insist that I'm fine if people are worried

but really, I must admit that I'm not

I haven't felt hungry in over a week

yet my stomach rumbles all the time

all my muscles ache and I'm feeling exhausted

and every hill feels like a mountain climb

I've had a migraine for three days straight

and I'm finding it far too hard to sleep

and I'm dragging my half dead body to school

but I just want to lie in bed and weep

I'm carrying on though I'd rather not

'cause I've a list of things to do that I need to fulfill

but my body is screaming at me to stop

while I scream back at it to please stop being ill.

Poems of a lighthearted natureWhere stories live. Discover now