Men in Uniform --Part 5--

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I cried. No... He's dying. I couldn't let him go. Oh please, can't the fucking ambulance arrive already!?

"No, [First Name], don't cry..." Kradness saw me spilling tears.

"Unh," I can't hold back. I try and wipe my tears with the back of my clean hand. "You can't stop me."

His hand caresses my cheek, "Why are you crying?"

"You're fucking dying! I care too much for you to spill so much blood, to feel spiking pain... I just can't bear to see you like this!" I spill more tears and Krion crawls to Kradness's head, plopping himself down beside him- nudging him.

"I'm not dying... I'm just injured, [First Name]."

"No... no... you're not just injured." I close my eyes, not bothering to wipe my tears. My eyes shot open when I heard running footsteps coming near. It looked like another officer. It was Un:c! He rushed over.

"Un:c-san, help!" I cry when he arrived. Krion squeals.

"Holy shit, that's bad..." Un:c kneels down to try and nurse Kradness's wound. "Hey, Kura-kun... keep your eyes open. It's okay buddy."

"He's not okay..."

"Hey, [First Name], think positively that It'll be alright. Did you call the ambulance?"

"Yes. They said they'll be here in a few, but nothing came."

Kradness winces, "Itai-," He squeezes my hand. I squeeze it back- I look down at his face, and all the color has drained from it.

We all hear distant sirens coming closer and the walls were getting illuminated with red and blue. They were nearby... Finally they arrived!

"Oh thank God! They came!" I rejoice.

The paramedics rushed over to put kradness on a stretcher, and reeled him inside the ambulance. Un:c, Krion, and I join them. We watched as they put an oxygen mask on him and do their business. Tears spill down my face as Un:c hugged me, telling me to calm down. Krion purred at my shoulder.

At the emergency room, in which we arrive at a few minutes later, they rushed him to a room where he can be confined. The doctors told us to rest in the waiting room... I didn't want to- I didn't want to leave him just yet... But I had to.

I washed my hands and I was soon seated in the section nearest to the corner, holding a book close to my face, hiding my crying face. I set Krion down on the table next to me. He looked at me, then he curled up and closed his eyes.

I hear footsteps and saw Un:c walking towards me. I tried to wipe my tears and hold them back before he arrived, but it didn't work. They just kept on spilling. He caught me doing that.

Un:c got hold of my wrist and took the book from my hands. He was standing up to my sitting figure, covering me from the others in the room. He bends over to wipe my tears with a tissue.

"[First Name], it'll be fine." He sits right next to me. "Sure, the doctors said that the stab wound was pretty deep, but it's not too severe. Good thing the sword didn't damage any bones or vital organs."

I look at him, his assuring face. It looked like he knows and believes that Kradness will make it, for he is his best friend anyway. I don't know why I feel so uneasy. I just need to believe that he could make it...

"Are you sure, Un:c?"

"Yes I'm sure, [First Name]. And put that smiling face on. Kura-kun wouldn't want you frowning." He pinches my cheek, making me smile. "Ah! There it is!"

"Anku-san," I push him away. I blush.

"[First Name]-san? Do you like kradness?" He asks me a of a sudden.

Men In Uniform --Edo-Style Kradness x Reader--Where stories live. Discover now