Men in Uniform --Part 1--

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Don't you just love the feeling of Spring coming back? No more cold winters and freezing our butts off. Ain't that fun? The things I love most about spring are the Sakura Blossoms. They're beautiful with their appearance on trees and graceful when flowing down.

This Monday morning, I am walking alone down the awakening streets of my Edo-influenced neighborhood. It's politically stable, economically healthy, internally peaceful, but vulnerable to crime. It's even so frightening walking alone any time of day or night. Every time I'm alone, I'm paranoid- hey; you may never know what may happen to you or your surroundings.

I get on the train on my way to school, listening to music on my phone using earbuds, and satisfied I made it without getting touched. Just a few train stops away, then a typical school day starts. I wish something different to happen this time, somehow.

At my stop, I walked a couple of blocks to school, stopping nearby all of a sudden; I am welcomed by a ton of girls crowding the entrance of the school. I scowl at the scene. What in Our Proud Nation? Not even bothering to remove my earbuds, I use it to block out the noise. I slowly walk closer trying to dodge my way through to enter the damn school, but when I get close, I'm trapped. I could literally hear chit chatting and screaming girls through my music. Is this a concert or something- this is not what I wished for... Why are girls swooning?!

Girls push around, bugging me, suddenly I decide to finally pay attention to what's happening. I look up and remove one earbud. Oh hell the noise.

"Ahhh, Oh my god! They're so cute!", "Ooh! I like him!" Who? What?! Girls yelp.

"Excuse me, hi, let me pass?" One asks, oh lucky him.

I try to find what they are looking at, until, successfully, I do. Boys, older boys, like men in uniform, older men in uniform, patrolling the area. They look like they're in their twenties or something, and we high schoolers, are like fourteen through seventeen. The men in uniform wore dark colored Edo-style-looking outfits, with hats, cherry blossoms, long, flowing sleeves, and medals ... oh yeah, they're officers. Seriously?! They literally do not mind this!

Okay, I'm done! I'm gonna force my way through this sea of wanna bees. I put my earbud back on, turn my music louder- and shoved my way through. "Excuse me, may I PLEASE get through?" Again... unsuccessful. I decide to finally stay. I remove one earphone once again. Is it just me, or is it getting unbearably girly this minute? I'll just keep quiet.

"Ughhh, the one in the purple is the cutest!" I look at the exact guy she commented. Oh really, I roll my eyes. Man, their reactions are hilarious.

"The blonde in purple! He. Is. So. Hot!" Uninterested. Wait... the purple guy again?

"The blondie looks fine. Just fine..." Blondie. Purple. Him again?

"Look at the one in purple! He looks like someone familiar..." Oh please someone answer me! Who is that blonde, purple-wearing officer!?

One girl gasps, "He's coming towards me!"

"No me!" Another says.

Um, he's coming to us... Hold on, if he's going to break up this crowd, then thank you sir, I could now spend some quiet time by myself at the freaking library!

He stands straight and tall over the crowd, and he smirks at them- hey; count me out. "Ehh? Look at what we have here," I take a closer look at him, blonde hair and rusty red eyes, never have seen anything like it, "Would you mind ladies, to clear up a path for people who want to get through?" Thank you Blondie! "Oh, right, you guys are students too. Why don't all of you go onto campus, to class, and everyone won't feel cluster phobic. Deal? Come on," he breaks up the crowd. "Inside, ladies and gentlemen."

Men In Uniform --Edo-Style Kradness x Reader--Where stories live. Discover now