Men in Uniform --Part 3--

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I feel actually pretty safe walking home late with an officer. Suddenly, all the anxiety inside me fade away. I don't need to worry about getting kidnapped or injured. least...

I somehow grab onto his arm as I led us down the streets to my house. I immediately recognize the streets -since I'm good at directions- and we quietly walked away. The quietness and the murmuring seemed to get unbearable... I have to break the silence in for my own good. Dang, I can't think of anything to talk about.

"H- hey, erm, Kradness?" I said while walking.


"May I ask, are you okay with assisting me home...? Because I could take it from here-"

"Nope. You, young lady will not be allowed to walk alone. Especially at this time," he cuts me off, looks down and smiles at me.

I look up at him. I felt a slight burn on my cheeks, I side smile. He is nice... but, "I mean, are you sure? I can't repay you back with everything you've done and will do for me."

"I won't consider it as a deed done out of kindness if someone will repay me. I expect no payback, [First Name]."

"But I feel full of debt."

"Not yet, you might. Be a good student and do well in life, and that will be enough 'payback' you can give me."

"Uh okay. I guess."

After a while, we arrive at my destination. I notice that Kradness looked around the neighborhood as if something was wrong.

"What's wrong, Kradness?" I ask.

"Ah, nothing." He faces me, "So, this is where you live?"

"Yes, I live in a house. Is there something wrong?"

"No, no. I just recognize the neighborhood because I used to pass by it."

"Oh really? Now, welcome back to your old route." I smile at him as I bound up the steps of the structure.

"Yeah. " He follows me.

I unlock the door. Then my parents rush to the door to see who opened it. "[First Name], what are you home out late," my father asks, not noticing the tall officer behind me.

"Uhh," is all I answer.

"Excuse me, Mr. and Ms. [Last Name], first, there was an accident in front of the school, causing students to wait in campus for a while... so, why so late? Second, there were major crowds getting to the train, and the train was delayed somehow."

I look at him, then at my parents. "Y -yes. It's a long story."

"I saw your daughter walking alone, so I decided to assist her so she could get home safely. Sorry for any problems."

My heart beats quickly while I was waiting for my parents to answer to the excuse. I stare at them while they're taking in the information.

"Oh dear. It must have been a long day for you. But don't worry us like that. You should have called to let us know where you are."

"I'm sorry mom. I didn't think of that."

"Okay, come inside, honey," as she said that I walked inside to my dad, "Oh, and thank you officer for guiding my child home. How nice of you."

"Don't mention it ma'am. I have a job to keep people safe, and that is always my intention," damn, blondie is an angel... am I? "Have a good evening Mr. and Ms. [Last Name]. And you too, [First Name]." With a tip of his hat, the man in uniform briskly walked away.

Men In Uniform --Edo-Style Kradness x Reader--Where stories live. Discover now