Chapter 10 (Asa's POV)

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Andie and I locked lips for a while, until she broke the kiss. I pretended to pout, making her giggle, and she pecked me softly on my lips. I rose from out of her lap so she could get up.

"Have you had lunch yet, Asa?" Andie asked me as she walked into the kitchen.

"Not yet. Are you hungry, love?" I asked, following her.


"I bought some ingredients for spaghetti yesterday," I told her.

"Ooh! Yay! I love spaghetti!" she said, beaming like a little kid and clapping her hands.

"Alright then. I'll make the pasta, and you make the meat sauce," I proposed, and Andie nodded her head, agreeing with my idea.

I got out the pasta, meat, tomato sauce, and seasoning for the spaghetti.

Since making the pasta doesn't require as much work as making the sauce does, I finished my part before Andie finished hers.

"No fair," she pouted like a little kid as she stirred the meat. "You got the easy job."

I couldn't help but laugh at how childish she sounded, so I wrapped my arms around her waist from behind to make her feel better. I like hugging Andie because I'm a whole

head taller than her, so I can smell her hair when I do. I kissed the top her head and rubbed her stomach as she continued to cook.

"You taste like strawberries and vanilla ice cream," I said, my arms still wrapped around her petite waist.

Andie giggled softly. "Thanks, babe...You always know exactly what to say," she said jokingly, making me laugh a little bit.

"Okay, Asa," Andie called from the kitchen. "Lunch is ready."

"Yay!" I cheered and pecked her on her soft lips. "Thanks, lovely."

Andie got out two bowls and two forks for us to eat with. We both sat down and enjoyed our lunch.


A few hours after we ate, Andie and I decided to watch Finding Nemo. Loxie had left the movie at my flat a few months ago. Andie was on the floor, sitting on a bean bag chair as I played with her soft hair. (lolol that rhymes!!) We sat in silence as we watched the movie.


When the movie was over, Andie came to sit with me on the couch. I laid on my back, and she sat down right below my stomach.

"Loxie has a good taste in movies," she said, smiling down at me.

"She does," I agreed and put my hands under her bum.

We sat in silence for a little while. It's funny how sitting in silence with Andie is somewhat calming, but with anyone else, it'd be absolutely excruciating. She opened her mouth to say something, but quickly closed it.

"What?" I asked, wanting to know what she was going to say.

"Well, I was just gonna ask you to play a song for me on your piano," she answered, leaning on my chest.

"You really want me to?"

Andie nodded her head vigorously. "Of course!"

"Alrighty then, lovely. Let's go."

A.N. I like short chapters

~Happy Reading, Lovelies :)

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