Chapter 3 (Andie's POV)

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It's been about two weeks since Asa and I met at the Italian restaurant. Honestly, all I can think about is when we'll see each other again. We've been texting and calling one another quite often now.

I was on my period, and cramping like a motherfucker. Pardon my language, but I was in some serious pain. I decided I should do what I always do when I don't feel good: watch a movie and stay in bed all day. Right when I was about to watch The Boy in the Striped Pajamas, I heard my phone ringing on my nightstand.

"Hello?" I said, sounding a bit frustrated.
"Good morning, lovely!" my favorite voice in the world said. It was Asa, my day just got a lot brighter. "Are you alright? You sound a bit off today."
"Yeah. I'm just on my, uhh, my period right now, and I'm cramping a little...well actually a lot," I answered.
"Well that's why you have Asa Butterfield as your friend," he said like the solution to my problem was extremely obvious.
"So you have someone to bring you sweets and Advil when you need it most!....Duh!" he said, making a huge smile spread across my face. "I'll be right over, love...Bye!"
"See you in a bit," I said and hesitated to hang up the phone.

I swear, every time Asa calls me 'love' I get that same feeling in my stomach that I get when I'm riding a roller-coaster. He just makes me feel so...special.


I heard the doorbell ring, so I had to go all the way downstairs to answer it. I already knew who it was, and I couldn't wait to see him.

"Hey, lovely!" he said with the biggest smile I've ever seen. "I brought some Nutella, raspberries 'cause I know you like to stick them on your finger and suck them off, a really big jug of water, and some Advil."
"Thanks soo much, Asa," I said and hugged him around his neck. I had to stand on the very tips of my toes though.
He wrapped his arms around my waist. I cringed a little because it kind of hurt, but it was totally worth it. Plus, I don't think he noticed.
"The pleasure was all mine, love," he whispered softly in my ear. My stomach had butterflies, and I really didn't want to let go of him. Eventually I did though.

"C'mon. I was about to watch a really good movie in my room before you called me," I said, leading Asa up the stairs and into my room.
"I like your sweater by the way," he smirked.
"It belongs to my brother, and it's super comfy," I explained as I laid down in my bed and buried myself in my covers. Asa took off his shoes and climbed in with me with a tray of raspberries in his hands.
"Did I mention that you're, like, the best friend ever?" I asked him.
"Well no, but can I get that as my new ringtone?" he joked, and I pecked him on the cheek and laid my head on his stomach.
"You wanna watch the movie now?" I asked as I turned on the television.
"You're gonna love the one I chose, Asa. Trust me."
"...Heyy! I know this movie!" he exclaimed like a child, making me giggle a little bit.
"You were so adorable when you were a kid," I said as I grabbed a bunch of raspberries and ate them.

When I started the movie, Asa started to rub my back. It felt so good; it kind of reminded me of the way my mother used to rub my back. After a few more minutes, he slipped his warm hands up my sweater and started to rub my bare skin. Could things possibly get any more perfect?! I felt like heaven was on Earth right now. Up and down; his hand slowly glided across my small back. It was so soothing I fell asleep right there.

A.N. It's a bit short, but it's my favorite chapter so far. Even though I've only written two other chapters.

~Happy Reading, Lovelies :)

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