Chapter 9 (Andie's POV)

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~2 days later~
"AANNDDIIEE!" Adrien screamed in my ear. I was so startled, I literally fell out of my bed.
"Piss off," I muttered as I stumbled back on my feet.
"Come again?" Adrien said.
"I said I love with all my heart," I joked.
"Uh huh...Anywayss. I made you some tea downstairs."

I thanked Adrien and shoved him out of my room, so I could take a shower. I didn't have anything to do today, so I wasn't really in a hurry. Once I was done, I put on a tight, grey tank top and baggy, Nike sweatpants. I then dried my hair and wrapped it up into a messy bun. I walked downstairs, still half asleep, and ate some breakfast with Adrien's tea. Suddenly, I heard my phone ring. I looked at who was calling me- Asa!

"Heyy, Asa!" I greeted him.
"Morning, lovely," he greeted me back. I got butterflies in my stomach every time he spoke to me.
"Did you need anything from me?" I asked, wondering why he phoned me.
"Actually, I wanted to know if you'd like to accompany me at my humble abode for a casual meeting," Asa said formally, making me smile a little.

"Just you and me?" I asked.
"Yup," he said, popping the 'p'. "It's just that I haven't seen you since our perfect night on the beach. I missed you, love!"
"Well...." I said and pretending to think. "I guess since you sound so desperate."
"Yay!" Asa cheered. I could practically feel his smile radiating through the phone. "Come over soon, okay?"
"See you in a few, babe. I love you!"
"I love you more!" he said back.
"Well, I love you most!" I said victoriously and hung up.

I slipped on some floral Nikes and a jumper and headed for Asa's flat.


I knocked on Asa's door and, almost immediately, it opened. Before I knew it, I was engulfed into a humungous hug. I couldn't help but giggle at how excited Asa was to see me.
"Hello, lovely!" he said cheerfully, as he broke the hug.
"Heyy," I greeted him back.

He lead me into his flat, and we both flopped down on his sofa. At first, we sat in a comfortable silence, just staring into nothingness.
"How about I read you a story," Asa suggested, breaking the silence.
"Pardon?" I asked, my French accent was always thicker when I said that word. "You me a story?"
Asa simply nodded. "Pleease?"
"Alright then. But it better be good," I agreed, and Asa left the room the get a book.

A few moments later, he came back with an old, beat up book. He held it up to me and smiled. The Book Thief. I'd heard of it, but never read it before. Asa kneeled down on the floor in front of me, right in between my legs, and rested his elbows on my knees. (a.n. like in the cover)

"My favorite book," he said, opening it up to the first page.

He began reading the book. I didn't really listen to exactly what he was saying. I just ran my fingers through his soft, curly hair. I focused on how focused Asa was as he read the book to me. He reminded me of how a child would pretend to read a book. Adorable. I started to listen to him read as the story progressed. It got interesting after a while, and I was more focused on what he was reading. Asa read on and on for at least an hour until he finally stopped. He looked up at me; his eyes gleaming like crystal balls or something. I marveled at how extremely amazing he was.

"You're staring at me," Asa acknowledged.
I giggled a little bit and caressed his jawline. "You're just so perfect, it's hard to look away."

The smile on his face grew wider, making me smile too. Asa leaned in and kissed me gently, almost as if I were a glass of fine china. Every time we kiss, I fall right back in love with him. The way our lips moved together slowly and steadily. The way he always smiled into the kiss. Everything was so perfect. I didn't want anything to change. Nothing in this great, big world could ever make me as happy as being with Asa did.

A.N. 'Twas quite short, but the good ones are always short...right??
~Happy Reading, Lovelies :)

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