i'll bury you six feet under, i'm so tired of your rules

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(Possible Trigger Warning.)

Jet walks into the office and finds Umbrella and Ghoul tangled up on a chair. Umbrella's curled up in Ghoul's lap. They're both out cold.

He shakes his head, grabs the stack of files, and leaves.

The sound of the door closing jerks Umbrella awake. She blinks a couple times, realising the situation she's in. She quickly gets up, and walks out.


Party comes down the hall, rubbing sleep from his eyes. He sees Umbrella exit the conference room and frowns. He goes in, hoping to find Jet.

Instead he finds Ghoul, asleep in a chair.

It doesn't take genius to figure out that they spent the night together. Party marches in and slam his fist into Ghoul's cheek.

That wakes the other killjoy, with a start. He glares angrily at Party and takes a swing as well. They end up wrestling on the floor for about an hour before Jet rushes in to brake them up.

"STOP!!" The curly haired killjoy roars, pushing Party and Ghoul into chairs, "This is ridiculous. You can't keep almost killing each other every time you're left alone!!"



Jet slams his fists in the table, rattling the whole room. His eyes are narrowed with anger.

"You're either going to work this out, or I'm dropping you in the middle of the desert. Choose."

"I'd be easier to die out there." Party mutters, getting up.

Jet's face falls as Party walks out.


Umbrella sits in Room 039. She's dancing to an old record, with beer in one hand and nicotine in the other. The door opens and she stops, hands falling to her sides in shame. Party just chuckles and comes in, closing the door behind him.

She smiles and wraps her arms around his neck, "Dance with me?"


He snakes his arms around her waist, and buries his face in her shoulder.

"I don't know what I'm doing anymore, Ella." He says, as they sway across the gross carpet, "I'm just screwing everyone over and fucking everything up."

Her grip on him tightens, "Party? Can I tell you something?"

"Fire away."

She stops swaying, puts the bottle and the cigarette down, and takes his face in both of her hands.

"It's yours." Is all she says, before crashing her lips into his.

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