i'm dead in the water, still looking for you

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Party wakes up with a weight across his stomach and a headache. Ghoul is sprawled out on his back. A loud crash comes from outside the room. Jet is no where to be seen so he assumes it's him. He walks out, running his fingers through his hair.

Mikey is laying-collapsed like a dead flower-in the doorway of his bedroom.

His sobs are echoing through the hall. Party rushes over to his baby brother and picks him up. Mikey grabs at Party's shirt, trying desperately to keep himself upright. Party holds him, rubbing his back as his ragged breathing calms down.

"You're okay, Mikey. I'm here. I'm right here."

"G-Gee.." he gasps, burying his face in his brothers shoulder.

Party carefully leads Mikey back into his bedroom and sets him on the edge of the bed.

"Ghosts." Mikey wimpers, looking around with wide eyes.

"It was just a dream, Mikes. Go back to sleep."

"D-D. C-Cherri."

Party wraps his arms around Mikey.

"You're okay. I promise. I...I forgive you. You were given the choice between the entire desert and your family. You chose family. And it's..its okay. I've forgiven you. I forgave you a long time ago."

Mikey starts crying again and hugs Party.

Party sighs, and leans into the embrace. He may have forgiven his brother, but he still hasn't forgiven himself.


Umbrella sits in the top conference room of the building. Jet is attempting to read through a file report, but is failing miserably.

"Jet." she says, laying a hand on his arm, "You're dead asleep walking. Go to bed. I'll let you know if anything happens."

"Promise?" he asks, standing.


He nods, and walks out quickly. Umbrella slumps back into her chair, looking out at the lit Battery City. She gets up from her chair ans sits in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

Her legs are crossed in front of her and she leans her head on the cool glass. So many deaths. So many casualties. And it's all because of her. She presses her hand to the glass, leaving a mark. Maybe she was better off in the desert.

In a radio station, broadcasting to sand and stars.

Maybe it was better off that way. No Party. No Ghoul. No Mikey. No one. But...Party and Ghoul could've died. And she would've had no idea. And Mikey. She never would've forgiven herself if he died with her seeing him again.

What would've happened if she had regained her memories out on the desert? The three day walk into Bat City. Anything could've happened.

A soft knock on the door rouses her from the depths of her mind. Ghoul pokes his head in.


"He went to bed." Umbrella says, looking from the city to her black haired Killjoy.


Ghoul comes in, closing the door, and sits next to her. He rests his head against the glass as well, his hair falling forward. Umbrella takes his hand and holds it, studying his tattoos.

Ghoul laughs slightly, the corners of his lip tugging upwards.

"Just like "old times"." he smiles at her.

She smiles back, pressing a kiss to his cheek.



Idk yet.

no room for ghosts // danger days: book 2Where stories live. Discover now