Chapter Four

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"Hurry, we don't want to be late to get to the dance floor, now do we?" Jude said as the people around them were already heading toward the big doors that lead to the ballroom. Henry and his wife had to go and greet a few more of their friends who had arrived.

The eight adults started walking with the crowd making sure they were all close together. It was taking five minutes for the people in front of them to move again.

"Hey," Marcus said loudly over the noise of people talking trying to get Karson's attention. Karson turned to Marcus.

"Yes?" Karson replied to let Marcus continue.

"I think we're missing someone from our group." Marcus yelled back so Karson could hear him clearly.

"And who is that?" Karson asked not aware of someone missing from their group until now.

"I believe it's Bryant." His brother-in-law replied. They entered the ballroom and saw that it was huge. The windows across from where they were tall and thin and had the longest curtains they had ever seen in their lives. The windows height almost reached to the ceiling of the ballroom.

"This is such a beautiful ballroom, don't you agree?" Claudia said as she looked around admiring the space of the ballroom.

"I have to say, it is sophisticated." Emmaline agrees with Claudia.

Back at the Hendrickson residence, Katelynn was hiding under her covers, she was scared. What she caught from the corner of her eye was a figure right outside her door. She had quickly buried herself in the heavy cover afraid of what she had seen. She had started hearing noises outside her window and she was too scared to look out and see what was causing the noises. She wanted to get out of her room and she didn't care if she got caught by Melina because she would tell her why she was out of her room. She would have a good reason against her word from going back to bed.

She knew that Melina was someone who would understand her fully. Katelynn still stayed under her covers hidden not moving a single muscle. She heard something scratching against her window and she was now freaked out to death. The noises of scratching against the glass door sounded like something sharp and meatal scratching on the door. She felt like crying and yelling out to anyone who could hear her but she remained silent but then she started whimpering. Then pounding on the glass balcony door was to be heard and she knew for sure that something or someone was doing that. She didn't understand why they would be doing that. Her whimpers turned into small crying, she couldn't seem to hold it back anymore. "I wish Melina was here." She whispered through her weeping.

Then the lock on the balcony doors broke open and the doors were forced open. She heard the doors open by force and she heard footsteps of a person walking in her room. Whoever was in here was in her room and she didn't like it one bit. When the doors had opened, she made herself stop crying so she wouldn't attract anyone from knowing she was in there.

"I know you're awake, Katelynn." A voice said. Katelynn was terrified to death; whoever this person was knew her name and probably knew more things about her than just her name.

It was just about time for the dance, Henry started out with a few things before the dance started and then after he said his speech, the music started playing. Everyone got their partners and began dancing with the music. It was a masquerade ball! "This is the moment I have been waiting for." Lesley said with full excitement. Emmaline looked around to find her partner but he was nowhere to be found. She walked up to Marcus who was about to start dancing with Claudia.

"Yes?" Marcus said who noticed Emmaline was trying to get his attention.

"Where is Bryant?" She asked.

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