The Uzumaki Heir #2

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"I forgot to tell you that I adopted these two. Their names are Naruko and Naru." I said. "Pardon me, but since when were there other Uzumakis?" Shikamaru asked. "Don't worry about it, child." Aunt Mito said. "Hey, Naruto. Will you introduce us?" Karin asked. "Team 7. Kakashi as Sensei, Sasuke, Sakura, and me. Team 8. Kurenai as Sensei, Hinata, Shino, and Kiba. Team 10, Asuma as Sensei, Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji." I said. "Nice to meet you." Karin said with a smile. "Naruto, go give the girls a bath, take a shower, dress them, dress yourself, and then come down for dinner." Aunt Mito said. "Okay, Mom." I muttered. "What was that?" She asked sweetly.

"I said okay." I said. "Sure you did." Karin giggled. I glared at her and rolled my eyes. "Well, get a move on, Prince Naruto." She said, mockingly. "Okay, Princess Karin." I mocked back. "Enough, you two!" Aunt Mito yelled. "Sorry Mom/Aunt Mito." We both bowed and gave each other a hug. I grabbed my little princesses' hands and walked up to my room. I gave them a bath and gave them two red dresses that Karin wore when she was little. I put their hair into two pig tails and got myself ready. 

After my shower, I put on my royal red male kimono. I found the girls drawing two whisker marks on their cheeks and smiled softly. "Come on, my princesses." I said. They nodded and grabbed my hands. We walked towards the dining room with their hands in mine. "Introducing, Princess Naruko Uzumaki!" A guard introduced. Naruko walked through the curtains and sat down. "Introducing Princess Naru Uzumaki!" Another said. Naru sat down across from Naruko. "And now, our future King. Prince Naruto Uzumaki!" Both guards announced. I rolled my eyes and sat at the head of the table. Aunt Mito was sitting in front of me.

Naruko sat on my right side and Naru on my left. "Since when did we decide that I was going to become King?" I asked politely. "Ever since you were the son of my sister and her husband. Kushina Uzumaki and Minato Namikaze. The Fourth Hokage." Aunt Mito said. I sighed and nodded. I watched as the branch family served us. I sighed and stood up from my seat. "Each of you, sit." I stated. Everyone stared at me while Karin sighed. She stood up along with me. "I agree with my cousin. You are family, meaning that you sit at the table with us. There are plenty of seats." She said.

"But, we serve the head family." A woman, Kammy said. "Tell me, what is your full name?" I asked. "Kammy Uzumaki." She answered. "Exactly. My name is Naruto Uzumaki, Karin Uzumaki, and Mito Uzumaki. We are all family, therefore, you may sit with us." I said. They nodded and sat down. "Wow, that was awesome." Kiba said. "What was?" I asked. I sat down and turned my head towards Kiba. "The fact that you actually act like a prince." He said. "Kiba!" Ino said. She bonked his head and glared at him. 

"You shouldn't say that." She said. "It's the truth!" He said. Akamaru barked in agreement. "Don't worry about it. I mean, the Naruto you all knew was a loud mouth and the dead last. But, that was an act. Sorry." I said. Sasuke and Sakura glared at me. I looked towards Choji and smiled softly. "Do you like the food?" I asked. He tasted it and held hearts in his eyes. "It's amazing!" He exclaimed. He started to chow down. My family stared at him. "Choji! You're in the presence of royalty! Show some respect!" Sakura screeched.

"Who let the banshee in?" Karin asked. She then blushed. "I said that out loud, didn't I?" She asked. We all nodded and Sakura was blushing from embarrassment. "Do not worry, child. Oh, and Choji was it? My nephew said that you enjoy barbecue. There is a shack down he street. You can do there during your free time." Aunt Mito said. She then turned towards me. "Remember to get ramen." She stated. I nodded. "How many?" I asked. "150." She said. My friends stared at her. "I will get 50, you will get 50, and Mom will get 50. That way everything will be even." Karin said.

"Hey! What about us?" Naru asked. "Make that 200. The girls will get 25." Aunt Mito said. I nodded. I stood up and walked towards my room. "Girls, come on." I said. "Okay daddy!" They chirped. "Where are you three going?" Kakashi asked. "We're going to get dressed." I said. He nodded. We walked towards our room. I sat on my bed and put my head on my hands.

What have I gotten myself into?


Sorry for the short chapter


Words: 798 

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