The Uzumaki Heir #1

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A/N Here are some tips to get you started.

Sasuke acts like a butt
Sakura is a screeching banshee

They knew something was wrong. Something was wrong with their loudmouth and dead last. It's only been a few days since they've graduated from the academy. They never saw him unless there was a mission. Even the Hokage is worried. And now, here they are, waiting on him. Naruto. Naruto Uzumaki. "Where is that baka!" Sakura screeched. "Hn." Sasuke said. The Rookie 9 and their Senseis were called for a mission. Everyone was there, except for Naruto. The door soon swung open, and there he was.

Naruto had on a black, skin tight, sleeveless, but with a collar, shirt, black Anbu pants that stops at his ankles, black shinobi shoes, a black jacket with red flames on the bottom and the Uzumaki crest on the back, his forehead protector around his neck, an expressionless look was placed on his face, and lastly, he was wearing an Uzumaki necklace. He stared at the Hokage with blank face.

Everyone else stared at him in shock. Sakura soon started to screech. "Stop trying to act cool like Sasuke-kun, Naruto-baka!" She screeched. His eye twitched and he threw a kunai at her, barely missing her. "Shut up, banshee." He said coldly. "Naruto, child, what is the matter?" The Hokage asked. Naruto sighed and rubbed his temples. "It's nothing. I just want to get this mission over, Hokage-sama." He said. The Hokage nodded. "Okay. Your mission is to travel to Uzushiogakure. Now, I am aware that you all learned that Uzushio was destroyed. But, some of the survivors stayed and rebuilt.

You are to go there and bring the Queen and her daughter here so they can renew the alliance of Uzushiogakure and Konohagakure." He said. Naruto stiffened. They nodded and headed towards the gates. Once there, the Sensei's stood in front of the genin.

"Okay, so, we have no idea where we are going." Asuma said. "So, we're just going to wing it." Kakashi said. The genin sweat dropped and Naruto stepped forward. "I know where it's located. I can lead." He suggested. "If anyone should lead, it should be Sasuke!" Sakura screeched. "Does he know where we're going?" Kiba asked.

Sakura looked at Sasuke and he scowled. "Yeah, that's what I thought. Anyway, about 30 miles from here, we'll take a break and then head out for another 30 miles. When we stop again, we will go to sleep and then wake up at 4 sharp. We will reach Uzushiogakure by noon if we follow that schedule." Naruto said.

Naruto's POV

We left the village with me in the lead. By the time we were at 25 miles, everyone was sweating. "How can you walk that long without being tired?" Kurenai asked. I shrugged and looked back at them while walking. "We still have 5 more miles, you'll make it." I said. "Stop trying to act cooler than Sasuke!" Sakura screeched.

I scoffed and looked at where I was going. "Shut up, you pink banshee." I said coldly. Everything went quiet while we walked the next 5 miles.

We stopped at a clearing and set up a campfire. I took out a scroll and pulled out pots, pans, cooking things, and more things. I starting making some food. While it was cooking, I pulled out plates and put them in front of everyone.
I went back over to the food and took it off of the fire.

Miso ramen.

I put it in front of everyone and sealed everything else back into my scroll. I looked at my teammates and they stared at me. I blinked. "What?" I asked. "You cook?" Choji asked. I nodded. "How did you seal all of those things in that tiny scroll?" Ino asked. "Isn't that called fuinjutsu?" Shikamaru asked.

"I believe that it is especially used by the Uzumakis." Shino said. "You are correct, Shino." I said. "I-I thought y-you didn't know a-anything a-about your c-clan." Hinata stuttered. I can't stand her stuttering. "Read about. We were a very powerful clan, but someone killed us all. But, anyway, we have another 30 miles to travel." I said.

They groaned and I smirked. "Let's go." I said. We walked for another 30 miles and we stopped to set up camp. Everyone had sleeping bags except for me. I sat down and put my right leg on top of my left. I evened out my breathing and started to meditate. The Uzumaki crest appeared on my forehead, my hands, and my feet.

"N-Naruto, what's going on?" Ink asked. "Going to sleep, what do you think?" I asked. My voice was echoed with all of the Uzumakis from the past. They looked at me frightened. I rolled my eyes and closed them. When I opened them again, the Sun still wasn't up.

I looked around and saw Ino up. "Shouldn't you be asleep?" I asked. She looked towards me and saw that her cheeks were stained with tears. "Are you okay?" I asked. I walked over towards her and sat down beside her. "I had a nightmare." She said. "I'll stay with you." I said. She nodded. I put her head on my lap and saw her blush. I kissed her forehead and stroked her hair.
"Go to sleep, I'll stay with you the rest of the night." I said. She nodded against my lap.

I blushed a little when she snuggled deeper into my lap. I smiled softly and stroked her hair. Soon enough, it was 4 and everyone was up, except for Ino. I shook her awake and she blinked a bit. She sat up and yawned. I stood up and held out a hand for her. "Let's go." I said.

"What about breakfast?" Choji asked. I summoned a bag of chips for everyone. Kakashi stayed in the back because he didn't want anyone to see his face. By noon, we reached the gates. Two guards were there. They bowed and opened the gates. "Seems like like Uchiha status is everywhere." Sasuke said with a smirk.

"Actually, they were bowing at me." I said. "Yeah right." Sakura said. I simply shrugged and walked through the gates. The villagers stopped and ran towards me. They welcomed me back and everything. When they were gone, there was a little girl with rags as clothes.

She she got on one knee and bowed at me. "Naruto-sama." She spoke. Her voice was slightly hoarse, probably from lack of dehydration. I bent down and picked her up. I tickled her and made her laugh. "What's your name, squirt?" I asked.

She started to tear up. I ran my hands through her golden hair. "I-I don't have one." She said. "Well, for now on, your name is Naruko." I declared. She smiled and hugged me. "Sister!" A little girl that looked exactly like Naruto ran up to us. She looked at me and she bowed instantly. "Naruto-sama." She said.

"I have a feeling you don't have a name either?" I asked. She shook her no. I helped her up and ruffled her hair. "Well, shorty, your new name is Naru." I said. She smiled. I set Naruko down and she instantly hugged each other.

"Are you two biological sisters?" I asked. They nodded. "Yes sir. I'm the older twin." She said. "How old are you two?" I asked. "We're five!" They both said. I chuckled slightly and grabbed their hands. "What do you want me to be to you two?" I asked. "Daddy!" They yelled happily.

I smiled and ruffled their hair. "Come on, my little princess. When we get to the castle, you two are going to take a bath and are going to fresh new clothes!" I said happily they laughed and gripped onto my hands. "Let's go." I said to my shocked team.

We walked towards the castle. When we made it to the door, the two guards bowed. "Uzumaki-sama, the Queen isn't too happy about you leaving all of a sudden." One said. I sighed and nodded. We walked through the doors, and there she was.

Everyone bowed. "Rise." The Queen said. "My name is Queen Mito Uzumaki and this is my daughter, Karin Uzumaki. I am glad you brought my nephew." Aunt Mito said. I sighed and walked up the stairs she bonked my head. "Daddy!" Naruko and Naru yelled. "



Words: 1423

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