5- The Nametag

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I stuck my hand in and felt around for a moment or two. A few seconds later. my hand hit something that felt rectangular and hard. Metallic, in a way. Curious, I pulled it out and stared at it.

It was a nametag that said, 'Hello, My Name is AWESOME'.

Immediatly, I knew it was Prussia's. 

"Prussia?" I began.

"Ah, you must adress me as AWESOME Prussia." he 'corrected'. I glared at him with a look that said 'no, just no...' and shook my head. "Alright... What? Did you pull my item? The nametag?" He stated.

"Yeah..." I answered, setting it down.

 He chuckled and smirked. "You're very lucky to be kissing me~. Not ever girl gets the chaance, ________." Prussia hissed. I rolled my eyes and stomped into the closet.  

"On the contrair, Prussia. I want this to end as soon as possible." I retorted. Prussia cocked his ehad to the side, as if he was confused. He stared for a moment before walking into the closet, handing the clock to France.

"Seven minutes~!" France whispere as Prussia shut the door.

Moments went by in silence until one of us spoke.

"Isn't the darkness welcoming? Charming, in a way?" Prussia asked.

"Sure." I replied simply.

He frowned. "Perk up. You're bringing my awesome spirits down."


I just stared at him blankily, as if I was not entertained. He frowned.

"Please? For me?" he asked, doing something I had never seen Prussia do before. He grabbed my hands and bring them to his face. He kissed them gently. He looked so sincere about it...

I nodded and smiled.

He smiled back. "Excellent." He whispered, his blood-bound eyes full of sincerity and pleasure.

It drew me into him...

I stared at him for a moment or two longer before I reached up and pecked his lips, very gently, over and over. 

It was quiet and calm. It was so quiet, I could hear our heartbeats quicken its pace. Despite Prussia's usual attitude, the kiss he gave contradicted what you would think of him. It was gorgous and amazing.

And I felt free.

When I finally pulled away, our eyes remet and shimmered. He smirked and twirled me around.

"Now, was that so bad?" He teased.

"I admit, no." I stated.

He chuckled as the door flung open.

"Seven minutes are up~~!" France sang, moving out of the way. I nodded to Prussia and pulled him out of the closet with me and returned to the game. 

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