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Authors note: Hey guys this is my new story called Baby Mafia, but you would know that already because you read the title of the story first. Anyways I'm trying a new genre that is different from the sinister series. I just hope you will like it and enjoy it too. Don't forget to vote, comment, share with your friends and leave some suggestions if need be. Thanks B)

P.S. I have no idea how the whole Mafia brotherhood works, so please bear with me if my thoughts are not accurate
and please remember that this stuff is from my imagination and isn't real. ENJOY!


The day I graduated from high school was the best day of my life. Not only because I knew I was free from the clutches of school, but also because I knew I was beginning a new chapter in my life. I could now focus on my future and what I truly loved, fashion designing.

It has always been my life's dream to become a well known fashion designer, with my own clothing boutiques that sell nothing other than my designer brand clothing and accerories. It would all begin in that moment with me graduating high school, then getting into my dream fashion school 'Kingsly'. It had been something I've been fantasising about my whole life, and that is exactly what it turned out to be. One big unreachable fantasy.

"Melony, you know we love you, but we just can't afford for you to go to Kingsly." My mother said taking a sip of her coffee.

"Your mother's right Mel. Don't forget that your brother and sister are still in school and you all need to be fed, clothed and sheltered. We are barely getting by as it is." My father agreed.

"Mel honey, if we could we would pay for you, but even if your father and I put in extra hours at work it could never amount to Kingsly fees." My mother said.

"Those are just the cons of our jobs and we hope you understand sweetheart. If we could we would." My father said while rubbing circle around my back.

"I understand." I finally said and I know what you're thinking, but I really did understand. My parents had done so much for me and my siblings. For starters we never went to bed hungry because of our parents. Even though they didn't earn much, they made sure that we coped and I still love them for that.

My mother Monica was a strong white woman who swallowed her pride and got herself a teller job at Shop n Go down town. My father Jackson was a strong black man who would travel the world for his family, and he literally did that daily as a truck driver.

My mother came from a rich family, but when she met my father she vowed to sacrifice anything to be with him. And that sacrifice was her family, wealth and inheritance. Yet my mother never regretted making that sacrifice. A year after my parents got married my mother fell pregnant and gave birth to me, 'Melony Tray'. A long while after my mother fell pregnant again and gave birth to my brother and sister, 'Jared and Juliet Tray'.

As three kids in the family our parents needed to make sure that we had everything we needed and honestly they succeeded grandly with that. If you had seen us you would have hardly known that we struggled financially. That is why I understood my parents reasoning and I was not going to stand against it. Although it stung a little to know I wouldn't be able to forefill my life long dream. But that didn't mean I had stopped hoping, I actually had a plan B.

"We are glad you understand sweetheart. We're really sorry. We know how important this goal is to you, but we just can't."

"It's okay dad, but I have a question to ask you both though."

"Yes anything Mel." My mother said as they both stared at me with anxious eyes.

"Well I was thinking instead of me sitting around here being a parasite in your pockets, how about I get a job if that's okay with you? It would keep me busy and my pay cheque could contribute to the family budget. Also if I get a job I can start to save up for my own schooling."

I watched as my parents anxiety turned into happiness and their tensed bodies relaxed. "That's a brilliant idea Mel." They said in unison.

"Go ahead sweetheart. You have our full support in everything you do." My father said as he pulled me in for a hug. "We love you Melony never forget that."

A Month Later...

"No and I mean no daughter of mine is going to work at a strip club!!" My father yelled.

"I agree with your father I thought we raised you better Melony." My mother said sternly.

"You did mom, but it's not like I'm going to be stripping. I'm just going to be working as a bartender serving drinks, that's all."

"No way in hell Melony! That's no environment for an eighteen-year-old girl, regardless of what you are doing!" My dad said rubbing his temple to calm his nerves and then he sat down on the couch.

"But mom, but dad if I take this job we will have more money to spare and I could be headed to Kingsly in just a years' time."

"No, Melony no! We don't care about the extra money. All we care about is seeing you succeed." My mother said.

"But how am I supposed to succeed if I can't go to Kingsly?"

"You will go to Kingsly Mel and you will succeed, but you don't need filthy money to get you there." My mother said sitting down next to my father.

"Well where am I supposed to get another job?" I asked frustrated.

"We will help you find one Melony. You could be a cleaner at Shop n Go or you could work as a receptionist at the truck valley." My dad suggested.

"I don't want those jobs dad, they suck. I want this one it's fine for me."

Suddenly my father shot up from his seat and he took a few steps towards me. Rage written all over his face. "So it's fine for you to be a prostitute is it?" He asked bringing his face closer to mine. "After everything we've taught you and done for you, it's fine for you to throw it all away just like that? Uh?!!"

"I...I..." I stuttered, scared because I've never seen my father this angry my whole life. Just then my head whipped back and I could feel the painful sting of the slap my father delivered to my cheek.

"You make me sick Melony! I don't even know who you are anymore!" My father looked me straight in the eyes and said the words I thought I would never hear coming from his mouth. "You are no longer my daughter. If you want to destroy your future and reputation for some money, then go ahead, but you're not doing it in my house. Get out, get out now and don't come back!!" He yelled then pointed his finger to the door. All the yelling must have frightened Jared and Juliet because they came running into the living room.

"What's wrong?" They asked when they saw me crying. I didn't answer them I just rushed past them with my hands covering my face and I ran to my room.

When I entered my room I grabbed my duffel bag and started shoving all my clothes into it and I put all my shoes into my old school bag. I thought my parents said that they would support me in everything I do. Where is the support now? When I was sure that I had packed everything I took both my bags, said a short prayer and left.

When I got to the front door my whole family was standing there waiting for me. My father even held the door open for me. My mother looked at me with disappointment and disgust in her eyes. Jared and Juliet looked sad and confused at the same time. They kept asking mom and dad where I was going. My father wouldn't even look at me, he just pointed his finger to the door and looked away.

As soon as I stepped out of the door my father slammed the door behind me. From that point on I had no family and it was all because I wanted to work at The Foxy Tail for the good of the family. I should have just turned back, begged my parents to take me back and apologized, but I didn't. Instead I kept walking and never even looked back.


Authors note: So that's a little intro to my story, letting you know where Melony's life began. I hope you all enjoyed it and will keep on reading, because it will keep getting better. Thanks for all the support B)

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