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You are woken up by Thorin yelling, and Fili squeezing you. Are you falling? Before you can react, Fili and Kili land on you. There are Goblins everywhere, they grab you roughly and drag you along with everyone else. You fight back but it's worthless. You are all dragged to the Goblin king. Once there the Gonlin King begins to speak. You aren't listening, you are frantically looking for Fili. You turn your head to see he is a few feet away from you. He looks fine. He sees you and you mouth to him "I'm fine, it's going to be ok" he nods at you and looks at his uncle. The Goblin king tells his goblins to take our weapons. They roughly search you and rip away your bow, arrows, and sword. They don't find the daggers you have hidden in your boot. All of a sudden, the goblins and their king begin to freak out.
"I know that sword! That is the Goblin cleave that killed thousands of goblins and orcs! KILL THEM KILL THEM ALL!" The goblin king yells. You are hit across the head. You feel blood drip down the side of your face. Then you hear Gandalfs voice yell,
You pull the daggers out and slash the goblins that were holding you. They screech and step back releasing you. You roll to the weapons, throwing them at the dwarfs. Gandalf yells run, he doesn't have to say that twice.
You all run, Gandalf leading the way knocking out goblins at the same time.
You run across a bridge and cut the rope. Kili grabs a ladder and takes out a dozen Goblins. You high five him as you run past him to catch up with Fili.
The goblin king rips though the bridge you are on. He yells,
Gandalf then slashes his sword through the goblin kings stomach.
"That will do it" the goblin kings last words come from his mouth then he collapses along with the bridge.
You all hit the ground and moan. Fili is on top of you. He smiles.
"Hello there my lady." He says
"Fancy meeting you here" you answer back.
Next thing you know the goblin kings body falls on all of you. You let out a squeak.
"Are you ok?" Fili askes worried.
"I've been worse" you say wheezing.
Kili pulls you and his brother out. The wind was knocked out of you, but you were fine. You can hear goblins coming again. Gandalf leads the way again as you start running.
You and Kili shoot arrows at the goblins ankles as you run so they slow down and fall over each other.
You break through to outside. The sun hits your face and it feels so good. Gandalf begins to count you all.
"Where's the hobbit?" You say making everyone aware he is gone.
Everyone begins to argue about who was supposed to watch him.
Almost out of nowhere, the hobbit appeared. Thorin looked annoyed but everyone else was happy to have the burglar back.
The happiness was short lived as we heard howling.
"Ugh, can't they give us a break?" You say as you all begin to run again. You come to a cliff with large trees.
"Everyone climb up come on."Gandalf says. Fili grabs you by the waist and launches you up. He and Kili follow you up. You felt like kids again. When you would pull pranks on Thorin and climb up trees to hide from him. Obviously this was a very different circumstance. You were surrounded by Wargs. Some had riders. Greaaaat you think. You look up at Gandalf who has a moth in his hand. He whispers something to it and it leaves. You didn't question it because Gandalf is a wise wizard. You all throw flaming pine cones at the wargs. That doesn't make them to happy, as the knock down trees you are in. You jump from one tree to another. Landing on the branch perfectly you catch the Hobbit who is a bit less graceful.
Apparently Thorin had lost his mind, and jumped down from the tree and ran at Azog. The Warg he was mounted on clamped it's teeth into Thorin. You gasped and were speechless. You saw it and it was in slow motion. The Warg threw him, he landed with a thud. Kili and Fili began to yell. Azog tells another rider to cut off his head and bring it to him. Coward. He can't do it himself. You are holding back Kili and Fili.
Next thing you know Bilbo it standing in front of Thorin. Bilbo attacks the rider and it's Warg. We all are inspired and jump down ready to fight. Kili and Fili yelling louder then you have ever heard. You are stuck on a branch and are about to fall. You loose your grip and begin to fall but land on something warm and soft. A giant eagle. Many more swoop in killing wargs and grabbing everyone. Your eagle grabs Thorins unmoving body. As you all fly away, Kili and Fili are yelling for there uncle, but he doesn't move. You all are put on another ledge and check on Thorin. The first thing out of his mouth surprises you.
"The halfling"
"He is quite alright." Gandalf answers.
Fili helps his uncle up.
"You what did I say about you earlier. Did I not say you would be a burden. You have no place with us." Thorin says at the hobbit.
You all stand there in silence. What Thorin does next, surprises you all again. His face softens and he says,
"Never have I been so wrong in my life." He says and hugs Bilbo.
You all smile and let out a sigh if relief. You feel Fili's fingers intertwine. You look at him and he points behind you. You turn around and gasp.
"Is that what I think it is?" Bilbo inquires.
"Yes. That is Erebor, our home." Thorin replies.
"Home" you whisper, tears in your eyes. And Fili squeezes your hand.

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