Walking and Talking

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The next morning it rained. I was ok, my cloak kept me quite dry. I made sure Thorin was out of eat shot. You rode next to Bilbo.
"We spoke of my sister yesterday."
"You have a sister?" Bilbo asked surprised.
"Had." I replied, "she was a little younger than Thorin. She was more beautiful than me, graceful, but she hardly knew how to fight. During the battle Balin told you about last night, my sister was there, fighting. She was killed by the orcs."
"Why was she so important to Thorin?"
"She was to be his wife. She was going to be queen. When she died, they said I was the next best. I was very young, so I was betrothed to Fili. He's been my best friend since I can remember." You look back at Fili who is talking to Kili.
"Well, you will make a lovely queen." He said. You smile and thank him. Bilbo began to speak with Gandalf. You slow down and end up next to Fili and Kili. They were soaked and looked miserable. You laughed at them.
"Remember when it was raining, and we would have to stay inside and torment Thorin." You ask giggling.
"Yes I remember. The best was when we played hide and seek with him and we all just left. Oh he was so angry when he found us on the roof." Kili said and you all laughed. You talked about old times with the two and laughed.

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