The Past

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*a week later*
Gandalf and Thorin decided it was time to make camp. You all get down and you help make the food. When it is made, you balance three bowls and give one to Kili and Fili and sit between them.
"And what is this?" Fili asks looking suspicious
"Rabbit stew, now eat it." You answer knowing it doesn't look appetizing. You all eat in silence until Kili asks,
"Ledia, we sang yesterday, why didn't you join us. If I remember correctly, you have a wonderful singing voice."
Everyone then looked at you.
"I haven't sung since we were children. When I was taken I stopped completely."
"How did you escape?" Thorin asked sitting back, handing you his empty bowl.
"Well," you begin as everyone is finishing up their food, " I was taken about when I was 16, correct?" Thorin nods in agreement. " so I was with them for 3 years. I was put in the deepest part of their caves. They forgot I was down there after 2 years. I had to eat what was left over, scraps. And occasionally birds if they reached the bottom. It was very damp down there. The wood began to rot and I became strong enough to break it down and then climb up the cave walls. I managed to squeeze through a small hole where water was leaving. I hid and lived in trees until I was able to get out of Orc territory. I made my own bow and arrows, and hunted for food. I sold the animal furs to merchants for food and clothes."
They all looked at you in awe. Thorin looked very impressed.
"You are a strong girl. Wise and resourceful. Fili, she will make a fine wife." Thorin says
Fili and I look at each other and smile.
Everyone finished and you all sat there, most of the guys were sleeping. You Kili, Fili, Thorin and Gandalf were awake. Bilbo got up and went over to the ponies. A loud screech echoed in the distance.
"What was that." Bilbo asked very worried.
"Orcs." Kili said looking up and listening. You looked up at Fili who was smoking.
"Orcs?!" Bilbo asked rushing over. You nudged Fili.
"Throat cutters. There'll be dozens of them out there. The lowlands are crawling with them." Fili said nudging you back. You stifled a laugh. Bilbo looked terrified.
"They strike in the wee small hours when everyone's asleep. Quick and quiet no screams. Just lots of blood. You kick him and he looks back at you and Fili. You all giggle.
"You think that's funny?" Thorin asked getting up. "You think a night raid by orcs is a joke?" You all looked down.
"We didn't mean anything by it." Kili said.
"No you didn't. You know nothing of the world." He said walking away. He stopped and turned to you.
"You especially shouldn't think it's funny." He walks away and you feel ashamed. Especially because that's what happened to you and your family.
"Don't mind him." Balin said walking over. "Thorin has more cause than most to hate orcs." Balin explained to Bilbo what happened. You get up and walk over to Thorin.
"Thorin." You say quietly putting your hand on his shoulder.
He turned to you and put his hand on your face.
"You remind me of her. Her beauty. How she was stubborn." You smile and take his hand off of your face.
"My sister was to be queen. She should be here with you."
"She is gone." He said in a whisper.
"You are here now, I am too old for you, now Fili will have you by his side to rule, when I die." You nod and walk back over to Fili. Thorin stays, facing his back to you all as Balin continued talking about that battle. You know Thorin is listening and he turns around to see everyone looking to him. He begins to walk back over to the fire.
"The pale Orc. What happened to him?" Bilbo asked.
"He slunk back into the hole in once he came. That filth died of his wounds long ago."
It went silent. Everyone got ready for bed.
"What did you say to Thorin?" Bilbo asked.
"I'll tell you tomorrow. I think it's best if we rest now." He nodded. You grab your cloak and sit next to Fili. He lays his head on your lap and you play with his hair until you both fall asleep.

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