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Heya peeps it's your girl ChelsLovesFGLandTBP here ✌🏼️. I just thought id leave this little note here to say. Im so sorry if it takes me so long to upload the chapters in this story. I had to rewrite over half of this story and the chapters didn't make any sense. On account I wrote this when I crying over my own major feelings of betrayal. Which brings me to my next point. These are my real feelings and my real life pain wrote in a fanfiction form and tweaked the names to keep the real identities secret. I walked this road. I know the hell you walk and it's not a pretty one. No one and I mean NO ONE dear pretend to know how I feel. I wouldn't dear to wish this betrayal on anyone not even on my own worse enemy. But anyway once the real story comes I really do hope you enjoy it. Btw I'll try to keep as little bit of less painful. But can't make any promises that it won't turn painful during some chapters. But I'm hoping this helps me and many others walking down this road of betrayal feel a little better.

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