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"You've never tried chocolate cake?" I asked with disbelief, suppressing the urge to chuckle

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"You've never tried chocolate cake?" I asked with disbelief, suppressing the urge to chuckle.

Monty and Jasper both shook their head seeing as their mouths were full of the said dessert, causing their mops of hair to move with them. My laughter finally escaped as I watched the two boys stare at me like it was completely normal. We were eating dinner in the dining room, and as usual, everyone was having light chatter with the accompaniment of a piano playing in the background.

"How on earth did you two last out there all by yourself?" I asked with a toothless smile, amazed at how these two doofus' managed to survive outside the mountain with the threat of the outsiders.

The Asian boy swallowed his chomp of cake before waving his fork in the air as he spoke. "Technically, we didn't last on our own."

"Yeah," Jasper joined in with a matter-of-fact tone, his mouth still half-full of food. "There was a hundred of us to begin with. We had our friends by our side. And Clarke."

I nodded, familiar with what they were saying. The story of how they had all ended up in Mount Weather recently had spread around in no time, seeing as there wasn't many of us, so I knew what any other person would in here. And this 'Clarke' girl seemed to be someone these boys looked up to a lot. I had never met her, but I had heard much about her.

"I still find it odd that you've never left this mountain in your eighteen years of living," Jasper noted, sharing a confused expression with his best friend.

I shrugged, beginning to pick at my food. Talking about my past was a bit of a sore subject for me, and as much as I got on with both Monty and Jasper, they were sometimes a little oblivious to when I didn't want to talk about something.
"I can't exactly leave, can I?" I spoke halfheartedly. "I mean, I'm not immune to radiation like you both are." They nodded in agreement, still eating, so I continued. "I don't think I would want to leave here, to be honest. The outsiders don't seem like the friendliest of people."

Jasper and Monty shared a look that resembled 'oh, trust me, we know', and so I didn't say anything else.

"But if you could leave in order to get away from your sister, I'm sure that you would," Monty joked to lighten the mood, and it worked because I snickered at his comment.

"Very true," I agreed with a smile on my face.

My sister hated me, and I didn't even know why. It was just me, her, and our parents. Ever since I recovered from my accident (in which I acquired a terrible head injury, causing me to lose my memory), she was never very welcoming. My parents said that we never used to get on before the incident either, and I couldn't exactly argue with them because I didn't remember anything or any one of them. You would at least think that my sister would decide to treat me like an actual sibling after my accident, but apparently not.

All Over Again • a Lexa/You FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now