Entry 31 - Growth in Creativity

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Growth in Creativity

Essential what that means is sites such as YouTube or Wattpad, where you can literally just go and make an account and for some people make it big.

I've been lately hanging out on YouTube a lot actually. the point is that when I go to where it says Date Added, the growth these artist (because truly, that's what they are) have done.

Whether it was new and improved equipment or the idea of the channel, YouTubers as well as Wattpadders, with better (or worse, depending in how you see it) communication or bright flashy new ideas popping out, the long road we've travelled is such a journey.

The best part is sharing it with others. I mean look at all that feedback they all get? I believe the reason they've gotten as far as they have is because of the feedback they receive.

Feedback helps improve in several ways. To some, feedback helps them think of more brighter and truly amazing ideas.

Words to the wise; You know all those fantastic artist y'all like? Remember that they couldn't have been where they're at had it not been for you guys. 

(Honestly, this counts for me too, and I thank every last one of you guys.)

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