Entry 10 - Swim

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Haven't you heard of, "Just keep swimming, just keep swimming"? Yes, that was straight from Finding Nemo.

I'm here to say that the saying is a perfect example as far as portraying perseverance.

Perseverance is a fantastic quality to obtain. Reason why I say that is because with dealing with college applications, job seeking, all around goal setting, it helps you get the job done. 

It's very much essential to create goals. Goals dictate our lives. Think about it, you try to get all these things done and actually do them but would you have been able to do them without goal setting?  

I'd actually love when people set their mind to find a better life for themselves. I love listening to some amazing stories where people overcome all  these obstacles life threw at them. Obstacles are always going to interfere with our plans, that much  is true, but isn't life all about living and learning?

Now, I may be wrong but learning to go through with your plans,  and still overcome all these inpediments, wouldn't that make you stronger in the end?

Words to the wise;When you are doubting yourself about whatever goal you set your mind to, think of your reason to want to get that goal done, think about what first inspired you and essentially drove you to follow this goal. Something must've stood out for you to want to go through with it.

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