Coming soon

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Best friends Clover and Violet are two years old toddlers, and their lives are not going too hot since they were dropped off at an orphanage many months ago with their baby sisters who live at the orphanage while they are stuck in  a hospital.  Clover and Violet both have different types of  Leukemia (Don't worry both girls are going to survive as the story goes on they won't die) Clover and Violet  have each other to get through this difficult days of chemo and radiation until they are finally adopted. One day Niall and Louis from one direction adopt little Clover and her baby sister as their own kids. Clover is happy that she has a family that loves and cares about her so much. Niall or Louis is always with her at the hospital while the  other one is at home with the baby and taking care of her, and they switch at night. Violet keeps hoping and praying that she gets adopted and she has a family too like Clover has  weeks go by and no one has adopted Violet yet or her baby sister at the orphanage. One day after she had her treatment with her best friend and they are taken to separate rooms cause Clover had to go tot he ICU for a few days due to her medicine she was on and it was wearing her system down. Kendall and Logan from big time rush come and adopt Violet and her sister as their daughter cause they could not tear these two girls apart ever not even cancer

First chapter coming soon for sure like tonight or Saturday for sure cause this story will rock it with these two little girls and their baby sister which will be named next chapter when the girls start to get sick at the orphanage and the orphanage will take them to the hospital to get treatment 

Adopted by Nouis & Kogan (a childhood cancer fic)Where stories live. Discover now