Mother-Daughter Bonding

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For the next few days, I couldn't eat, not that I eat anyway. I couldn't sleep. All I do is think, and cry. One day mom, heard me crying and came in. "Honey?" she said. "What's wrong?" "I miss C.C." C.C. was Cynthia's nickname. "I miss her, too. Your dad and I are working very hard on trying to get her back." mom said. " NO!!! YOU DON'T MISS HER AT ALL BECAUSE YOU WOULDN'T HAVE LET HER EVEN STEP FOOT OUT OF THE HOUSE!!" I said, at the end going back into my crying phase. I could tell she wanted to hit me, but the power of sadness was stronger. "Your dad has found something to get your sister back." I didn't really understand but she said it was something called child endangerment. I kind of stopped listening after that...all I could think of Cynthia giving me a big hug when she walked in the door.

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