The Hearse

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No one knew what was going on downstairs, when Mr. Robert came back down. "You just can't just come in here, and take our daughter.." said dad. "Wait a second," said Mr. Canolope said, as he whipped around on the heel of his feet. " This isn't your daughter," Then he looked and mom and whisper-shouted. "And that's not the only thing I'll be taking." Dad grabbed him by the shirt. " I'm a lawyer." He said. "And I'm unemployed, so what?" I know how badly dad wanted to be the one to put him in the graveyard. When it came to his kids, even if he didn't have them, he and that person would be number one on his enemy list, and Mr. Robert just became number one.

Dad finally let him go and Mr. Canolope and Cynthia was welcomed by no car. "Where's the car?" Cynthia asked, still surprised at the fact that she was leaving the house to stay with him forever. She had gone with him a few times before like on the week before summer vacation. Or two weeks during it. She spent like two or three Christmas's with him, but that's all. "We walk." said Robert. " WHY DOES LIFE HAVE TO BE SO CRUEL TO ME?!?!" screamed Cynthia, she stormed down the sidewalk.

That day, I went in my room and cried. My family has told the I'm not the emotional child, but to me it didn't matter now. My best friend...was gone.

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