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It was Saturday. Mom was making breakfast with Cynthia and Micheal, (We all live together) because she is teaching them how to cook. "YOWW!!" yelled Cynthia. Mom looked at her sternly. Cynthia cleared her thorat,"Helloooo? I burnt my hand."  Micheal was behind mom moving his hand as if to tell her to stop or something like that. " Who you taking to?" " Umm,the the." Cynthia looked around. " The pot." She said. " Sorry pot, it's hot I mean not your fault that you scolded my hand and now there is no feeling in it." They she air patted the pot. Mom finished showing them how to cook, when I saw dad come down the hall. He was on the phone. " Yeah, sure whatever just stop calling me!" Then he just hung up in their face. I might only be five, but I'm smart enough to know that that was rude. Jazmine and Craig came down the stairs and sat at the table. Aunt Greyson was close behind. She picked me up and brought me to the "big kids" table.  We had homemade pancakes and bacon. It was actually good, but I couldn't show my family that I liked it. I have a no good food reputation and I couldn't just let that bounce. Later the bus came for Jasmine, Craig, Curtis, Michael, and Cynthia, there in a school study month at school so they go on the weekends. Way to spend a Saturday. Dad went to work at his law firm J&C Firms and mom went to work at  Highside Middle School. She's a teacher. I guess you can say their happy with their jobs, but lately they've been acting more stressed than ever. When everyone left, aunt Greyson stayed and watched me. One day she asked me how I would feel if I had a cousin. " I dunno" I said. "Oh.."she sounded disappointed, like she wanted me to have a smile a mile wide, so I showed my teeth a little to make her feel a little better.
She smiled and put me down for my nap. Hopefully when I wake up, everything will start to make since in a five year olds' life, but I knew that wasn't going to happen.

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