Chapter 21 de Sliver

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I felt like someone just poured a bucket of cold water over me and my brain froze for a second. This series of unfortunate events that kept piling on one another was making me choke, both mentally and physically.

After the initial shock subsided I turned towards the others. The despair on their face was evident; Tom’s signature frown was back in place, Emily was gripping the side of the stretcher so hard that her knuckles turned white. Amelia gasped and everyone’s eyes darted towards Steven to gauge his reaction. As usual his face gave nothing away but I knew what we had to do.

“Some of us would have to get there first.” I said, standing up straight. The Lupa instinctively took a few steps back and I gave it a raised eyebrow. Now was  not a good time to get me mad with petty trust-issues.

“We are not splitting up.” Steven said firmly, shaking his head. I folded my arms across my chest and stare at him. The situation wasn’t ideal, but I needed to go back; I was the one who convinced them that it was safe to stay there with the Legres. Jeremy and Kailey can’t communicate with the Lupas and they would have no idea that people were coming for them. It would be my fault if they were captured or worst, killed.

“We can’t just let them catch Jeremy and Kailey!” I exclaimed, my voice raising an octave. I hated leaving people behind, “There is still a chance to get back to them before it’s too late.”

“You don’t know that.” Steven said passively and I threw my arms up, frustrated.

“If you would just let me go back I could get them and we could retreat somewhere until we are cleared.” I reasoned, but Steven still didn’t look convinced.

Before the argument could escalate further, a disgruntled moan sounded and we turned around to see Vladimir’s eyes fluttering open. He looked right at us frozen in mid-argument and blinked.

“I am fine.” He said, his voice cracking a little. Emily rushed to his side and held a bottle of water to his lips and he drank from it gratefully, his eyes locked with Emily’s and the two of them seemed to be communicating with each other via stares.

“No you are not.” Almost all of us said simultaneously and Vladimir winced at the volume. Emily bended down even closer to Vladimir and started whispering to him, presumably to comfort him. I fidgeted my feet as agitation continued to cruise through me and I began to bit on my lower lip.

The wolf let out a low growled and I turned towards it in surprise, thinking it would have left already; however it seemed to be waiting for our decision as well. How long would it take before they find them? I asked the Legre and it gave me an impatient vibe.

A few hours or a day, so you better hurry. The grumpy Lupa responded, I could sense a few nerves as it dug around with its front paw. I contemplated about just making a run for it but that would cause a rift in our group that could be a potential fuse for trouble later. I had to remind myself that no matter how hard this is right now I had to think of the bigger picture.

Please just say yes. I thought fervently as I watched Steven pacing up and down. Just agree. It’s not even that big of a risk.

The Lupa looked up at me and I gave it an annoyed look, even though none of what’s happening was its fault. I kept repeating the words in my mind like a mantra, which surprisingly helped me calmed down significantly.

Suddenly Steven came into a halt and turned towards me, I looked at him expectantly hoping to hear a favorable reply.

“Let’s go then.” He said, surprising everyone. Vladimir began coughing again and Emily’s brow furrowed together, rubbing a hand up and down his arm. Tom and Steven went forward to pick the stretcher with Emily hovering beside them like a protective hen. I nodded towards the wolf who slithered out of the cave in the blink of an eye.

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