Day of Revenge

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 The next day business carried on as usual for the LGMs but under the surface they never suspected that something was amiss with XR and Minerva. They helped out as usual while at the same time tried to keep the fact that NOS was hiding in the bay waiting for the right moment to strike. Keeping to the shadows of all of the machinery NOS watched as the LGMs continued to work along without a single clue as to what he was going to do to them. Silently as possible he went over to a few machines and stealthily threw a few energy beams at them, taking them over with his mind and watching the LGMs again for just the right moment when they least expected it commanded the machines' electrical wiring to shoot out and take the LGMs hostage. Suddenly seeing the wiring attacking them the LGMs screamed in fright and ran around to try to avoid them but the wires were far faster than they were and all were captured in just a matter of minutes. Smirking in satisfaction NOS walked out of the shadows being joined by Minerva and XR as they showed their true colors and the three walking up to their prisoners NOS said with an evil smirk, "Well, for being one of the smartest races in the galaxy you all sure have a bad sense of security to realize that a being of evil such as myself has been hiding in the shadows of your own bay this entire time." Letting out a dark laugh he looked at one LGM in particular and picking him up by the wiring imprisoning him and asked, "My good little green man, you wouldn't perhaps know the main override program that will give absolute and total control of all of Star Command by any chance?" The LGM shakily nodded in agreement, absolutely afraid of what NOS might do to him, NOS cut the bindings away then handed him over to XR ordering, "Then execute it. XR, take him over the control panel and make sure that he doesn't decide to try...anything that might alert any Rangers to my plans." Nodding in understanding XR took the LGM over the control panel and keeping a very careful eye on him watched as the LGM programmed the override to run. Once the it kicked into gear the lights in the bay flickered a few times until it stopped and while watching this happened NOS asked, "Is it working?," and seeing the fear-paralysed nod come from the captive NOS smiled in satisfaction then ordered again, "Excellent. Now, cut the lights to the entire station. It's time for some fun to begin." Doing what he was told the LGM shut off all the lights in Star Command, putting it into a complete blackout and smirking NOS's eyes glowed brightly as he imagined what would be happening when every Ranger suddenly wondered what was going on.

A few minutes before the blackout happened Buzz, Mira, Booster and Ty were on their way to the bay to see how XR and Minerva were doing the three teammates were not too happy about they were unsuccessful at trying to find NOS-4-A2.0 for the past few days. Being the most peeved of all Buzz retorted with disdain, "So far four days and there hasn't been a single sign or report of NOS-4-A2.0 causing anything sort of chaos. It's like he's fallen of the face of the universe." Hoping that he could give Buzz some encouragement Booster suggested, "Maybe he accidentally got sucked into a black hole or something." "Yeah, that could be a possibility," Mira agreed, hating to see Buzz like this. Shaking his head in disagreement Buzz said, "No, my Ranger instinct is telling me that he's up to something. I'm not sure what but I know that my instinct is never wrong about something like this." Thinking about a few things himself Ty suggested, "Perhaps maybe he's decided to lay low-" but it was then that the lights suddenly cut out in the hallway making everything pitch black dark. Quickly figuring out what's going on Buzz finished, "Right underneath our nose the entire time! He must have managed to sneak in somehow without anyone knowing!" By then the emergency lighting kicked in turning the hallway red so that it was manageable to see where to go. As the four looked around Buzz quickly thought of something and said, "I've got a bad feeling that he may have gotten one of the LGMs to run the main override program to give him total control of the station." Starting to get the same feeling Ty added, "And the only place you can turn it on and shut it off is the science bay." Gasping in fright Booster reminded everyone, "But XR and Minerva are in there, too! If NOS-4-A2.0 is there they could be in danger!" "Booster's right," Mira agreed, remembering as well. "We've got to get to the science bay and make sure that he hasn't gotten to the both of them." Both Buzz and Ty nodding in agreement the four quickly ran down the hallway as fast as they could hoping that certain doom hadn't befallen their friends.

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