When New Eyes Meet....

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 The next morning as the LGMs came into work one came over and knocked on the hull of Minerva's chamber to let her know that it was time to get up then went about his work. Softly hearing the knock Minerva groggily opened her optics and feeling very strange she popped the hatch door open from the inside and leaned up stretched herself out still feeling very strange. Disengaging her charging cable she hopped out onto the floor and immediately wished she hadn't. The moment she was upright a sudden wave of dizziness washed over her making her grab the edge of her chamber and hold her head as she waited for the dizziness to subside. XR, who was already up and about, saw what had happened and quickly going over to her he asked, "Hey Minerva, are you okay? What's wrong?" Slowly shaking her head to get rid of the rest of the dizziness she responded, "I...I don't know. I've been feeling so strange since I woke up. It feels like...like I hardly have any energy in my system to operate." Deciding to check her energy levels to her confusion they were quite low to what she expected them to be. Turning around to look at her chamber with the same look of confusion she tried to think of everything that might have happened during the night that could have interrupted her charging cycle. Glancing over to a few of the LGMs without trying to get dizzy again she asked, "Hey guys, would you mind looking over my recharge chamber? I think it may have malfunctioned during the night."

A few LGMs looking at each other with an odd look the walked over to it and looking it over one looked back and said, "We shall see what we can do." Watching them get to work XR moved a bit closer and tapping her leg he said, "Come on, let's go for a walk while they work and try to see if that'll help you." Nodding in agreement Minerva followed him out into the hallway then the two falling in step headed away from the lab and still trying to figure out what was going on Minerva said, "I'm so confused by all of this. I know that the LGMs wouldn't make a mistake in setting up the chamber but perhaps there was a mix-up in the wiring or the calibration settings were miscalculated or something else." Shrugging his shoulders XR replied, "Who knows? It could be any of the things that you said or it could be something else entirely. Maybe the technology isn't quite compatible with Star Command's." Shaking her head as gently as possible Minerva looked down at him and said, "No, the scientists who designed it made sure that it would be so that it wouldn't interfere with the system. It's got to be something that that would have had to interefere with-" Before she knew it she had run into something that knocked her completely to the ground. 

 Groaning at the fact that she just repeated history the person that she had accidentally ran into was quickly down on one knee and holding out his hand he said, "Oh geez, I'm so sorry. I had no clue that you were right behind me. Are you okay?" Refocusing her vision and trying to get another dizzy spell to pass Minerva looked up to see who was talking to her, who was an older man with dark brown hair, tanned skin and an athletic build. His eyes showing his concern about her she gently took his hand and said while he helped her up, "Y-yes, I'm alright. And please, don't be sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going and I ran into you by accident." Once he was sure that Minerva was stable on her feet the other Ranger replied, "Well, by the looks of things I'd say we both had no clue that we were behind each other so I guess we're both sort of at fault here. But no harm done at least no need to get worried about it, right?" Nodding in at that Minerva replied, "Right. But still, I feel bad for not paying attention to my surroundings and not seeing that you were right in front of me. I really want to make it up to you." Waving it off he said, "Hey, it's okay. I'm not hurt, you're not hurt, so there's nothing to feel bad about. Tell her, XR." "Ty's right on this one," XR agreed. "It was just an accident and there was really nothing that needs to be made up for it." Seeing that they were right Minerva smiled and said, "Yes, I suppose you're right...wait, Ty? As in Ty Parsec? You're...you're the one that destroyed NOS-4-A2."

Feeling a bit of a downcast look cross his face Ty said, "Yep, that's me. And I did destroy him. I guess it was only fair that I would be the one since he was using me to spread that awful wirewolf curse across the galaxy when he turned me back into that thing. I figured that once he was finally gone I could move on from that part of my past and never think about it again. However, I heard that he got rebuilt with an upgrade and I've got a bad feeling that's he going to be up to something that's going to hurt the entire galaxy." Going silent for a few moments he shook his head and replied, "No matter. I'm sure that Buzz and his team will be able to handle it. Speaking of Buzz's team you wouldn't happen to be the new addition to it, would you? According the news I've been hearing around the place, of course." Lightly laughing a bit Minerva nodded and answered, "Yep, that would be me. Captain Minerva Sparkstar of Team Lightyear, on, uh...special assignment with XR." Laughing himself Ty commented, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Minerva. I'm sure that working with Buzz you'll be able to do a lot for Star Command." Smiling bashfully at that Minerva acknowledged, "Thank you. Being able to work with Buzz is a true honor and I do hope that many good things will come out of this." "That you will, that you will," Ty agreed with a gentle smile. "Knowing him as long as I have and knowing the reputation he carries I'm sure you've got no worries about doing your best." Amazed that Ty had so much confidence in her Minerva didn't say anything for a few minutes, wondering why he was so confident in her. However before she could anticipate it her energy levels had dropped causing her to sway and clutch her head as she stumbled a couple of steps back. Seeing this happen Ty quickly reached out to help stabilize her, asking, "Whoa, hey Minerva, are you okay?"

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