The Transformation

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 As a few days had passed Ty and Minerva saw each other whenever they could, building their relationship bigger and stronger each time they did. And every time that they would see each other Ty would try to bring up what he was trying to admit but never got the chance to fully say it. He didn't know whether it was his nerves or being embarrassed when he told her what he truly felt but he could never bring up the courage to speak. However he wasn't going to give up on trying and he knew that he would figure out the best time and place to tell her everything. After enjoying a nice late evening together Ty walked Minerva into the science lab just as the LGMs were heading out for the night, the two realizing that they were together later than they thought they were which made them laugh a bit then Ty said, "I guess we were having a lot more fun than we did for time to go by that quick." Nodding Minerva agreed, "We must have. But of course time flies when you're having fun, especially with a best friend." Stifling a yawn that had managed to escape her Ty figured that she was getting tired and needed to go so that she could get some sleep. Deciding to say goodnight he told her, "Hey, I'm going to go for the night so that you can get some rest. I bet you're exhausted from all the fun we've been having because I know I am." Feeling that she was getting that way Minerva replied, "Yeah, you're right. I really should get some sleep after all of the fun we had. Thank you again for a great night." Smiling and giving her a hug Ty returned, "You're welcome. I'm glad that you had a great time tonight with me. Goodnight Minerva, and sleep well." Returning the farewell Minerva watched him go, softly smiling as she walked over to her recharge chamber and getting settled in quickly falling into a deep sleep and dreaming of the wonderful memories of her and Ty.

 A few hours later as a quiet peace settled in the room NOS-4-A2.0 finally stirred in his hiding spot, gingerly stepping out of it as he stretched out his limbs to get rid of the stiffness that had set in. As he popped his neck out he muttered, "Yeesh, perhaps hiding in there for a few days in stasis wasn't the best idea." Once he made sure that all the kinks were out of his body he composed himself then made his way over to XR disengaging him from his chamber, setting him down on the floor and ordered, "Arise, little one. There's a lot of work to be done and the night only lasts for so long." Quickly booting up XR got to his feet and bowed in response, following NOS as he walked over to Minerva's chamber, gently opening the lid all the way back and sitting on the edge observing her as she slept. Without looking he asked, "Tell me XR, what have you learned about my bride over the past few days?" Thinking for a few moments XR answered, "The morning after you fed off of her she had trouble operating due to low energy but chalked it up to a simple malfunction with the charging cord. But once we had taken a walk and her energy depleted even more we returned to the lab after getting her hooked back up she started recharging normally as if nothing ever happened. After that there was really nothing much else to learn about her, well, except for one thing." Looking up at XR with a concerned look NOS asked as his temper started to rise, "What...thing?" Hearing the rising anger in his master's voice XR fidgeted a bit and replied almost quietly, "That...that she's falling head over heels for...Ty Parsec." The moment he heard that name NOS lurched forward a few steps and growled almost in full fury, "Parsec. Of course it had to be him. The utter bane of my existence and the one being in the universe that had the means and power to cause my ultimate destruction. It's as if the universe brought him along just to see me fail at getting my revenge against him." Groaning in frustration he began pacing around trying to think of how to get around this when he looked back at Minerva it hit him. Smirking a malicious grin he walked back over while saying, "But of course. What better way to make him suffer then to take away the one thing he truly cares about, turning it into a dark and beautifully evil version that will never love him again."

Reaching Minerva he leaned down next to her neck, kissing where he bit her then lifting his head to gaze into her face he placed a hand to the same side of her face and neck, delivering a charge of an energy beam to it, and his optics glowing bright as ever he whispered, "Minerva, listen and hear my voice. Arise, become my dark bride and serve by my side for all eternity." At that moment Minerva woke up, her optics glowing red instead of their normal blue, taking a gasp of air at the same time the tips of her newly formed fangs appearing underneath the edge of her lip. Looking around her gaze noticed NOS leaning over her, curiously looking at him for a few long moments. Seeing the curiosity in her optics NOS lightly smirked then leaning closer he passionately kissed her, she returning it while placing a hand on the side of his head during their embrace. After a few seconds NOS leaned up and taking her hand in his he said, "My darling, ever since we met I knew that you were destined to become my bride the moment our optics met. Everything about you captivated me and now that you have been transformed into your new self you and I shall love each other and never leave each other, for you are mine and mine alone." Helping her get out of her chamber she took a few unsteady steps while trying to regain her balance he gently took her arms to help her she whispered, the tone of her voice sounding a bit deeper than normal, "Master, I feel so strange, like I haven't...haven't..." "Haven't fed in a while," NOS finished, figuring that the transformation would drain her system a bit. Giving her a sympathetic smile he told her, "Don't worry, I can help you fix that and feel much better."

Helping her down to the floor then taking a seat next to her NOS looked at XR and ordered, "Come here, little one. I need you for something." Doing as he was told XR rolled towards them stopping just in front awaiting his next command NOS whispered into Minerva's ear for a few moments and understanding what he was saying Minerva nodded then looked directly at XR with a ravenous look in her vision, knowing exactly what to do. Reaching out and grabbing her teammate by his arms, drawing him close, Minerva leaned in and fed off of him until her levels restored and felt much better. Releasing her fangs from his neck she hissed in contentment then dropped XR to the ground, savoring the energy that she drained from him. Watching as everything happened NOS leaned in next to Minerva and whispered into her ear while placing his hands onto her shoulders, "Feel any better, my love?" Sighing a deep breath of air she answered with a satisfied smirk, "Oh yes, I feel so much better. That was just the thing I needed to feel strong and powerful once again." Chuckling at that, feeling triumphant that everything worked according to plan, NOS helped her up to her feet while saying, "Excellent. You have truly become a being of pure evil worthy of being called my dark bride for all of eternity. Soon the entire universe shall know the true threat of our power and no one, not even Lightyear or Zurg, will be able to stop me." Smiling at that Minerva nodded in agreement saying while wrapping her arms around his neck, "Of course it will, Master. You alone deserve to rule the universe the way you see fit and no one else." Smirking at her words NOS wrapped his arms around her waist, pulling her close he said to her, "I couldn't agree with you more, my dear," then gave her another desirous kiss which she gladly returned. The two sharing their embrace for a few long moments NOS pulled back and told her, "Now my love, I believe it's time that you get your rest. There's a lot of work to be done and I need you at your very best so that you can be at my side when we take this place down for good." Sweeping her up into his arms NOS carried Minerva back to her chamber and setting her in, making sure she was comfortable as possible then closed the lid leaning on it for a few moments while he thought of a few things. Getting a serious look in his optics he looked over his shoulder and said, "XR, return to your chamber and get recharged. Tomorrow I begin my attack and if my plan succeeds it shall bring the final end to the legacy known as Star Command."

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