Taking What's Ours

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Once we were inside, which happened to be a long hallway that reminded me of a hospital, things took a sudden turn for the worse. The smell was awful - like feces that had sat for weeks in the hot sun. Next came the hoards of monsters, whose skin was the color of a bruise and features resembled some kind of mangled shark. My breath caught in my throat as I stopped just inside the doorway with the M14 pointed downward.

They were horrible. They were so much worse than I imagined as they turned towards us from all around with sharp bared teeth. They acted as if we had interrupted their workings as they shoved away carts and dropped clipboards. As they scrambled to unclip the blasters that were attached to their hip, my whole body felt frozen. Their eyes were black, their teeth were sharpened to points, and they were screaming and shouting in some language that vaguely reminded me of Parseltongue. A shot buzzed past my ear as Nine let out a battle cry to my left and sprung into action, spraying the meaty crowd with bullets. A few roared as they began to fire back, and my mind snapped out of his trance. Adam pressed himself against the wall as he began to summon his earthquake legacy, his eyes shut and hands spread. Nine was sprinting on the ceiling, firing like a wild man. My whole body quivered as I raised the gun and fired a bullet, praying it hit something.

It did.

It hit the wall.

"Fuck," I mumbled under my breath as the Mogs began to rush at us. My fear took over as I began to fire rapidly, turning a few of the vat-borns to dust. One managed to get a blaster shot in my thigh, and I went to the floor with a small scream as my vision swam with tears. I pressed my palm to my now bleeding thigh and tried my best to tack off a few more, but there was too many for me to handle. The alarms were blaring, and there wasn't a doubt in my mind that reinforcement were coming. They were running at me fast, and while Nine was killing the ones bringing up the rear, I saw the sudden panic on his face. They were looking at me. They were coming for me. I tried to pop off another round when-

The gun clicked. I let it fall into my lap as I struggled to pull the empty magazine. Blood oozed through my fingers rapidly as my free hand trembled. The magazine wasn't going in, the magazine wasn't going in, and they were getting closer oh fuck fuck fuck!

Suddenly Adam let out a grunt, and a wave of underground energy threw me and the Mogs against the wall. I cried out as my whole body swam with pain. My eyes were in a daze as I heard my gun clatter away from me, and a few of the extra magazines were snatched out of my belt.

"USE IT!" I heard Nine command beside me as he sprayed the slightly distracted hoard of Mogadorian soldiers that were scrambling to their feet.

My ears began to ring. So loud... My jaw hung slack in my daze as blood from my busted lip dribbled onto my chin. I reached up, my equilibrium fucked up, and I ended up touching my forehead instead of covering my ear. As I slid my hand back, I felt the thick pool of blood drag across my skin.

Oh that's not good...

Two strong hands grabbed my shoulders and gently gave me a shake. I snapped my head up to see Nine, or nine Nine's, yelling something to me, but all I heard was a high pitched ringing. His mouth moved, and his facial expression told me he was trying to say something, but I couldn't hear it. I just shook my head as best I could and reached for my buzzing ears, but he gently pulled my hand away and shook his head. He turned to Adam with a pissed off glare and began to yell something at him.

I could feel my blood pulsing. Thump, thump, thump, thump at a rough pace, and the blood was still pouring through the hole in my thigh. My head hurt badly, and I was so tired. I slumped forward against Nine and felt the vibrations from his voice come through my body. He was being loud, too loud, and I couldn't hear a thing. My eyes grew heavy as I leaned against his shoulder, and soon I began to feel warm. Not like a fever, but as if a nice heated blanket had been draped over my shoulders. My thoughts began to drift about how nice it would be to sleep so that this head ache might go away, but Nine didn't give me that luxury as he pushed me up and patted me quickly on the cheeks. I tried to let my head slump forward, but he wouldn't let me as Adam took off down the hall. I watched exhaustedly as he shook his head again, and his eyes looked so worried and sad... so worried and sad...

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