The First Battle

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Everything happened so fast. The kiss, the warning, the Mog fleet hovering above us silently. I never heard them fly in. I never heard the screams of the people around us. I was hopelessly distracted by Madeleine's beauty that I never noticed the panic of the crowds, and that thought terrified the shit out of me.

They had never known we were below them. They had been told a location - my home - and had attacked almost immediately. They didn't take a roll call before they began firing at them. They never knew Madeleine and I were here... They thought we were up there, where we should have been - where I should have been, fighting along side my friends. And when they destroyed that building...

"Oh my god," Madeleine whispered in my ear. "Oh my god oh my god what are we going to do?"

I let go of her legs as I felt her slide down my back. My whole body felt numb as I stood there watching helplessly. I heard the people screaming. I watched as the rubble fell on top of pedestrians trying to run away. Everything inside my soul screamed, Go out there! Go fight those bastards!

But even I knew there was nothing I could do alone besides get myself killed. That's what I had been wanting for my entire life. I wanted to go out in a blaze of glory, slashing throats and smashing skulls as I was taking my final breath. It was what I felt I had been born to do. As I stood on top of the apartment building, I knew there was no way in hell I was going to win this particular battle, but I was going to win the goddamn war.

Madeleine was saying something or doing something - I don't know. My attention wasn't focused on her. I did, however, hear her start to wheeze ever so slightly. I turned and watched her dig in her pocket for her inhaler, and then I looked back at the destruction before me. She hit the button on top once and took a deep breath.

My hands began to shake with rage. I wanted to kill them now, and there was nothing that was going to change my impulse. I wanted nothing more than to rip the heads off of each and every one of those fuckers. I took a few steps towards the edge of the roof, ready to run out in the middle of the destruction and fight, when Madeleine spoke up.

"Do you think they know we weren't there?"

I paused before pulling one foot away from the ledge. I steeled my muscles before answering, "I fucking hope so."

A lump rose into my throat as another thought occurred to me. The others... Were they alive? Had they been taken? The scar wouldn't appear on my calf because of the broken charm. The building had fallen. There was no telling how many innocent casualties had just happened. Were some of them my friends? How many of the staff weren't going home to their families tonight? I had grown up with so many of them. Their deaths had been my fault...

Just like Maddy.

Just like Eight.

Just like Sandor.

Just like everyone else I had gotten close to in my life.

I saw Madeleine start to sink down, but I stepped over and extended a hand to her before she could get comfortable. "Nope, uh-uh, we don't have time for that."

She looked up at me before taking my hand. "Bu where are we going to go? They're probably all in the city." I pulled her up before tapping my pocket. My pipe staff was still there.

I released my grip on her hand, yet she held tight. "I can get us out of the city, but.... Oh, shit, get down!"

The ground below us began to rumble dangerously. People below us began to scream. I pulled Madeleine down below me to try and protect her, but suddenly her pink force field was surrounding us. When the shaking stopped, I looked over at the John Hancock Center. Madeleine gasped.

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