Chapter Ten

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Sorry I'm late I'll try to make it faster next week. Hope you enjoy and comment and vote!!! :)


Chapter Ten

“When is the king coming?”

“He will come in a few days,” said another council member.

“Where is he anyway? He has been gone for weeks now.”

The oldest member of the council said, “what the new king needs is to be wed and sire heirs.”

“Yes that is perfect! With a family to take care of as well as the kingdom, then his callow personality will diminish. We would also get rid of him sooner.”

One of the youngest members stood and said, “In my opinion, I think that the king is great king. Even though his is so young, he has made the kingdom prosper in ways that the former king did not. He is trying unite the kingdom and his young mind and methods are just what we need. We should let go of the old ways. Just look at the brilliant inventions the humans have created.”

It was so quiet that a pin dropping to the floor could heard. “How dare you? How dare you compare us to those filthy humans. Do you think that they are better because they have all of those time consuming objects,” a member shouted.

“All that I am saying is that the king would feel more comfortable in an environment that he is used too. Yes he was raised in Varicia, but a life time of living in a time period that never changes. Isn't that the reason why the former king left, why the crown prince before his majesty left. The same reason why the king himself is not here.” They began to fight amongst themselves.

The members soon were split into two groups, one supporting the ideas of the change and growth, the other adamant about saying the same. All that could be heard were shouts and more and more bickering.

“Enough,” said the head council member. “I have had enough. We should handle this matter like the civilized vampires that we are. We have seemed to have lost track of the reason why we are here today. How are we going to pressure the king to wed in a short amount of time. Also we have to find the woman that is best suited to be by the king's side. We don't want to the kingdom to be led by a weak royal family. That would lead us to our doom. As soon as he comes we have to let him know of this proposal. There is a high possibility that he will refuse the marriage. But we have to make it happen no matter what. The kingdom has been neglected far too long. All in favor of this decision please raise your hand.”

Everyone in the meeting room held up their hand. The decision had been made. The king would marry in the foreseeable future. There was nothing that he could do about it.

Jake was thirsty and he had to feed before the Master came back. Then he had to find a way to hide from Traint the fact that he was addicted to Kathy's blood. Traint would kill her. Jake called in a maid and asked her to look for Kathy and to tell her to come to him. The maid walked away to do what she was told. Jake grabbed a glass of whiskey. Moments later Kathy walked in and looked at him with dead eyes.

“Kathy I'm thirsty, I have to drink some blood before the Master returns.” It hurt him to see Kathy's dead, expressionless face staring back at him.

“As you wish Master,” she said, sarcasm dripping from her voice.

She took out a blade. At first Jake thought that she would use it on him. Enough reasons she had. But she took it towards her wrist. Before she could touch her skin with the blade, he had stopped her hand.

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