Emotional Garden, Insuperable

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She  closes her eyes and crys

She cries for longing

She cries for hope

She cries for love             

For just a pinch of appreciation

Wanting and needing more in life

Searching yet still without an answer

She yearns for change.

Dying for acceptance

She cries to the heavens

Yet her cries ride on the wings of the wind

And no answer arrives

Her heart bleeds for more,

It bleeds to be acknowledged;

Bleeds to be loved.

Tired of waiting

For her heart’s one pleading wish

Poisoned with rejection and abandonment

She reaches for freedom

And every time it moves a little further

Seeming to be way out of her reach

Confined, to a box of emotions

Knocking, to try and escape her tragedy

Sore or trying she searches for her revival

Giving up all hope of ever attaining that sweet nectar of freedom

With blinding tears in her eyes

Nowhere to go

She remains at bay

Continuously searching for the Insuperable  

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