Day 19: Someone That Pesters Your Mind-Good or Bad

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Dear Twinny,

I know I already wrote you a letter in here, but I feel like you deserve another. The minute I read the challenge for today, I thought of you.

You're almost always on my mind. I know that we live so far apart, but in the end, that doesn't mean anything. I love waking up and seeing that I have a message from you. It never fails to make my day. You make me smile from the minute I wake up to the minute I go to sleep. You know absolutely everything about me- the good and the bad- and you totally understand. That means the world to me. We learn little details about each other every day. I don't think anyone has ever cared as much about me as you do. I love how I know that no matter what happens in my life, I can always trust you to be there for me. You listen to me and totally understand me. Yoy can make me feel better when I feel like my entire world is about to fall to pieces. I know that I can trust you with my deepest, darkest secrets that no one else knows.

In reality, you came into my life at the perfect time. Before I met you, I felt lost. None of my school friends really understand me- they can't understand where I'm coming from. They don't get the feelings I have...they're scared by them, sometimes.

Even in just a few days of talking, my life totally turned around. We're both BVB and BOTDF fans. I know I can have my fangirl moments and you'll join right in. I love how I can literally talk to you about anything. It doesn't matter if we're talking about music or wrtiing or even travel (I AM going to bring you to the USA one day)- I enjoy every single conversation that we have.

You're one of the most amazing, beautiful, caring, and talented people I've ever met. You came into my life at the perfect time. You've helped me in so many ways. I know I'm rambling right now, but I thgouth that this letter needed to be written.

I love you so much, twinny. You're my other half. You're one of my absolute best friends ever. I know we're going to be friends for a very long time. We've proven that distance isn't enough to tear us apart. We've always found a way to talk, whether its through here, facebook, or twitter. No matter what happens, we'll always stay in touch. I can't wait for the day when I finally get to see you in person. I'm going to tackle-hug you and never let go. Well....maybe I will when I cook you some yummy vege noms. But other than that, I'm not letting go.

I love you more than I can ever scream <3 Always remember that. I'm here for you through everything. You can always come talk to me. About anything. I'll always be here to listen.

I love you!


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